peking Posted March 6, 2024 Posted March 6, 2024 the whole thing to me is three friends having fun clickbait or not it's fun to peek of course Park knows geeze and he seems to be an okay guy judging from the times I peek bi/bi-curious, seasoned vets or just starting they are fun and different to peek in on now, please continue with the rant and raves and I hope if they read this stuff we type they will also have a laugh
kt2008 Posted March 6, 2024 Posted March 6, 2024 They are cute as hell, more fun to watch then most of the others. 1
desinc Posted March 7, 2024 Posted March 7, 2024 Here's what I believe is going on... and I have refrained from commenting until I had time to digest the events witnessed by all of us last night. I have watched the evolution of these relationships from the beginning as I'm sure several of you have too. Gabby and Frisky are in the infancy of a relationship. What they did wit each other 10-12 days ago was as real as it gets. They have continued to explore their feelings away from RLC and it makes sense they arrived together like a couple. They also had a conversation in the bathroom right after Park went to bed which I believe were the ground rules being put in place. Gabby is really only interested in Frisky. Frisky is interested in both Gabby and Caroline. Frisky doesn't want to upset or make Gabby jealous. So they came to an understanding that Frisky could play with Caroline but only to an extent. This is evident throughout the evening when Caroline was letting Frisky and Gabby know... "Here I am... Go for it... I'm down for whatever... just don't take my clothes off in case Park comes out of the bedroom as well as Gabby pretending to be sleeping while keeping an eye on everything that was happening. Frisky did what she did out of genuine desire/lust but was restrained by both the ground rules, the fact that Park was just a few feet away, and the cameras... which are always watching. As to the click bait allegations... I'm fairly new here on CC but I've been on RLC for a couple of years and have seen absolute, undeniable click bait many... many... many times. Barcelona is riddled with it! And I've noticed a lot of the senior contributors here are what I would call cynical... some maybe uber cynical. These girls are, in my opinion, 75% genuine and 25% click bait. Caroline is the only one who stands to gain by doing simulated lesbian/bi-sexual content (25% click bait originates here). Do you really think Gabby and Frisky are being compensated for their participation in this? Do you think Caroline is writing them checks every month based on some formula of compensation? I don't! Caroline is bi-curious and is having fun exploring while at the same time being compensated by RLC. Gabby is bi-sexual at this point and enjoying Frisky's pursuit and adoration. Frisky is pretty much a lesbian (I'm guessing) and down for whatever as long as she gets some pussy, but is relatively camera shy. Just add enough alcohol and who knows what they'll do. What we witnessed last night may have looked a lot different if there had been another glass or two of bourbon involved. Sorry for the long diatribe! 2 2
Brit Guy Posted March 7, 2024 Posted March 7, 2024 Good read and analysis, but deep lol. You really like those two don't you and Caroline of course. Whenever they are in the apartment, I chime in to watch them whatever they are or are not doing...Caroline has good friends, as did Scarlett and evidently, they are all in the same circle of friends and I believe there will be more joiners from that gang to the project and in that apartment once C&P feel it's time for change. I don't however ever expect anything sexual between the girls as my expectations are just to see them on cam and that satisfies me enough lol. Anything else is NOT expected in my book but is always an extra bonus. 1
SPYING 1 Posted March 7, 2024 Posted March 7, 2024 38 minutes ago, desinc said: Here's what I believe is going on... and I have refrained from commenting until I had time to digest the events witnessed by all of us last night. I have watched the evolution of these relationships from the beginning as I'm sure several of you have too. Gabby and Frisky are in the infancy of a relationship. What they did wit each other 10-12 days ago was as real as it gets. They have continued to explore their feelings away from RLC and it makes sense they arrived together like a couple. They also had a conversation in the bathroom right after Park went to bed which I believe were the ground rules being put in place. Gabby is really only interested in Frisky. Frisky is interested in both Gabby and Caroline. Frisky doesn't want to upset or make Gabby jealous. So they came to an understanding that Frisky could play with Caroline but only to an extent. This is evident throughout the evening when Caroline was letting Frisky and Gabby know... "Here I am... Go for it... I'm down for whatever... just don't take my clothes off in case Park comes out of the bedroom as well as Gabby pretending to be sleeping while keeping an eye on everything that was happening. Frisky did what she did out of genuine desire/lust but was restrained by both the ground rules, the fact that Park was just a few feet away, and the cameras... which are always watching. As to the click bait allegations... I'm fairly new here on CC but I've been on RLC for a couple of years and have seen absolute, undeniable click bait many... many... many times. Barcelona is riddled with it! And I've noticed a lot of the senior contributors here are what I would call cynical... some maybe uber cynical. These girls are, in my opinion, 75% genuine and 25% click bait. Caroline is the only one who stands to gain by doing simulated lesbian/bi-sexual content (25% click bait originates here). Do you really think Gabby and Frisky are being compensated for their participation in this? Do you think Caroline is writing them checks every month based on some formula of compensation? I don't! Caroline is bi-curious and is having fun exploring while at the same time being compensated by RLC. Gabby is bi-sexual at this point and enjoying Frisky's pursuit and adoration. Frisky is pretty much a lesbian (I'm guessing) and down for whatever as long as she gets some pussy, but is relatively camera shy. Just add enough alcohol and who knows what they'll do. What we witnessed last night may have looked a lot different if there had been another glass or two of bourbon involved. Sorry for the long diatribe! Desinc very well 👏 explaining what's happening in this apartment, your knowledge is very welcome
cylinderopuntia Posted March 7, 2024 Posted March 7, 2024 Vor 2 Stunden sagte desinc: Hier ist, was meiner Meinung nach vor sich geht ... und ich habe mich mit Kommentaren zurückgehalten, bis ich Zeit hatte, die Ereignisse zu verarbeiten, die wir alle letzte Nacht miterlebt haben. Ich habe die Entwicklung dieser Beziehungen von Anfang an beobachtet, und ich bin sicher, dass einige von Ihnen dies auch getan haben. Gabby und Frisky stecken noch in den Kinderschuhen einer Beziehung. Was sie vor 10-12 Tagen miteinander gemacht haben, war so real wie es nur geht. Sie haben ihre Gefühle auch außerhalb von RLC weiter erforscht und es macht Sinn, dass sie wie ein Paar zusammengekommen sind. Sie führten auch ein Gespräch im Badezimmer, gleich nachdem Park zu Bett gegangen war, was meiner Meinung nach die Grundregeln waren, die eingeführt wurden. Gabby interessiert sich eigentlich nur für Frisky. Frisky interessiert sich sowohl für Gabby als auch für Caroline. Frisky möchte Gabby nicht verärgern oder vertreiben. So kam sie zu der Einsicht, dass Frisky nur bis zu einem gewissen Grad mit Caroline spielen konnte. Dies wird den ganzen Abend über deutlich, als Caroline Frisky und Gabby wissen lässt ... „Hier bin ich ... Mach es ... Ich bin zu allem bereit ... zieh mich nur nicht aus, fällt Park aus dem Schlafzimmer.“ „ „ , ebenso wie Gabby, die so tut, als würde sie schlafen, während sie alles im Auge behält, was passiert. Frisky tat, was sie aus echtem Verlangen/Lust tat, wurde jedoch durch die Grundregeln, die Tatsache, dass Park nur wenige Meter entfernt war, und die Kameras, die sie ständig beobachteten, zurückgehalten. Was die Clickbait-Vorwürfe betrifft ... Ich bin ziemlich neu hier bei CC, aber ich bin seit ein paar Jahren bei RLC und habe viele, viele, viele Male absolute, unbestreitbare Clickbaits gesehen. Barcelona ist davon übersät! Und mir ist aufgefallen, dass viele der erfahrenen Mitwirkenden hier das sind, was ich als zynisch bezeichnen würde … einige vielleicht überaus zynisch. Diese Mädchen sind meiner Meinung nach zu 75 % echt und zu 25 % Klickköder. Caroline ist die Einzige, die von simulierten lesbischen/bisexuellen Inhalten profitieren kann (25 % der Klick-Köder stammen hier). Glauben Sie wirklich, dass Gabby und Frisky für ihre Beteiligung daran entschädigt werden? Glauben Sie, dass Caroline ihnen jeden Monat Schecks ausstellt, die auf einer Vergütungsformel basieren? Ich tu nicht! Caroline ist bi-neugierig und hat Spaß beim Erkunden, während sie gleichzeitig von RLC entschädigt wird. Gabby ist zu diesem Zeitpunkt bisexuell und genießt Friskys Verfolgung und Bewunderung. Frisky ist so ziemlich eine Lesbe (schätze ich) und für alles offen, solange sie eine Muschi bekommt, ist aber relativ kamerascheu. Fügen Sie einfach genug Alkohol hinzu und wer weiß, was sie bewirken. Was wir gestern Abend gesehen haben, hätte vielleicht ganz anders ausgesehen, wenn noch ein oder zwei Gläser Bourbon im Spiel gewesen wären. Entschuldigung für die lange Hetzrede! Ich bin ganz deiner Meinung. Gabby interessiert sich nur für Frisky. Gestern war kein Alkohol zu Hause und die falsche ist gegangen. Ich möchte sie einmal sehen, mit mehr Alkohol, Frisky und Caroline allein und Park in der Arbeit, sodaß sie ungestört sind. 1
chogdad Posted March 7, 2024 Posted March 7, 2024 I think Gabby is only interested in getting back together with her boyfriend than anything else, but jmo. I don't believe anything i see from her. I have seen countless girls in 10 years on RLC and know a bad actress when i see one. Gabby is the one who has stretched any honesty in this "Three Way Lesbian Oh So Secret Tryst" by simply being included in it. Two people fine, but this is jumping the shark.
NoOneSpecial Posted March 7, 2024 Posted March 7, 2024 3 hours ago, chogdad said: I think Gabby is only interested in getting back together with her boyfriend than anything else, but jmo. I don't believe anything i see from her. I have seen countless girls in 10 years on RLC and know a bad actress when i see one. Gabby is the one who has stretched any honesty in this "Three Way Lesbian Oh So Secret Tryst" by simply being included in it. Two people fine, but this is jumping the shark. I think at this point, I can only see Caroline doing anything with Gabby is if there was a threesome with Park. I think Gabby is bi, but she favors men and she was really drunk when she had sex with Frisky. It might also get Park to give Caroline more freedom with Frisky.
chogdad Posted March 7, 2024 Posted March 7, 2024 On 3/7/2024 at 2:05 PM, NoOneSpecial said: I think at this point, I can only see Caroline doing anything with Gabby is if there was a threesome with Park. I think Gabby is bi, but she favors men and she was really drunk when she had sex with Frisky. It might also get Park to give Caroline more freedom with Frisky. The way i see things now is simply - Don't involve Gabby.
chogdad Posted March 7, 2024 Posted March 7, 2024 Looks like Caroline has a cold, she has just been leaning against Park's chest and sitting up, there is a round blob of snot of his shirt. 😂
chogdad Posted March 7, 2024 Posted March 7, 2024 Caroline crying in bed, Park asleep next to her. Wonder what's wrong? Unless she feels really unwell.
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