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B4 - General Topic 2024 #40 (April)

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11 minutes ago, Lasse said:

Ich warte nur darauf, dass der erste von euch Karma für Putins Bombardierung der Ukraine verantwortlich macht!! Ich meine, ihr wird für alles die Schuld gegeben! Sie sollte wegen ihrer Nase gehen!!! Kann es niedriger sein? Es muss für Sie schmerzhaft sein zu sehen, dass alle anderen Mädchen sie mögen und dass sie sie mag.

Erfolg macht neidisch. 
Karma ist eher eine ausgeglichene Person den anderen Bewohnerinnen gegenüber.
Sie ist zumeist mit die Erste, die Kontakt zu neuen Mädchen aufnimmt.

Wie heißt es doch in einem Sprichwort: "Jedes Schwein braucht einen Baum um seine Schwarte zu kratzen".
Übertragen: Es gibt Zeitgenossen, die brauchen einen Hassgegenstand, um sich innere Befriedigung zu holen.


Success makes you jealous.
Karma is more of a balanced person towards the other residents.
She is usually one of the first to make contact with new girls.

As the saying goes: “Every pig needs a tree to scratch its rind”.
Transferred: There are contemporaries who need an object of hatred in order to get inner satisfaction.

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8 hours ago, TfiDeano said:

It doesn't work that way bro and you know it. I will not stop ridiculing Karma if I dislike something I see she is or isn't doing on cam. Even if I did stop then you would still say the things you have about others. Some of you can't stop talking about Masshole even though he no longer goes to B4, so based on that then whether I stop or not then you will continue to ridicule the others lol. Some here even spend all their time whilst logged on watching and listening to Masshole whilst he is in his room working from home lol, which is hilarious. 


7 hours ago, Xarvaz said:

those patrons really have no idea how it works, if I like someone they can insult him or her to the bone... it doesn't matter to me as long as they don't get personal with me (they know where they end up) they can curse or ridicule anyone as much as they want, and they have that right just as I have the right to burn Karma to the ground (which I will do as long as she is there and not changed)

No matter what forum on the internet there is always positive and negative comments but the positive far outweigh the negative ones.  Everyone's opinion should be respected no matter what's posted good or bad.  Chewing someone out because one doesn't like someone else's posting does not achieve anything but create excessive posts between individuals gaslighting and cussing one another.  Personally I don't care what others post about tenants of the apartments if the tenants read the forum they should be able to handle any comments that critic them. If they can't then they'll get over it. Afterall they're supposed to be grown adults.  

Every member has an ignore button. If one finds another members posts annoying the place them on ignore and you won't see their posts unless they quote another individual.  It's not the perfect solution but it makes the forums run a little more balanced without the friction between one another.  

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5 hours ago, kylian13579 said:

why did sara and massimo break up

They only shared one common ground which was only sex, anything else they have nothing in common with one another. Relationships never work if it's only based on sex.   

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3 minutes ago, poncherello said:

Elle est détestée parce qu'elle est la seule fille que le gros cochon ne pouvait pas baiser

Why is she hated because of that ? I like her partly for that reason !!

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8 hours ago, Lasse said:

I just don't understand why there is so much concentrated hatred against Karma ! She is a nice friend with everybody. Yes she enjoys Tantra-Chris but that doesn't harm anyone! I don't like him either but he is her choice. What annoys me most is the risk that the girls may be reading CC !! 

You could say the same about the guys also, so much time and hate invested in the guys who likely read the forums too. This is a risk too but nobody gives a shit. You can't just concern yourself with the wellbeing of the girls and then carry on ridiculing the guys lol. So much concentrated hate toward the guys lol and as for me, I don't dislike Karma, I just don't like some of her choices in life which she brings to the project when really it could be done off cam and somewhere else. 

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5 minutes ago, Lasse said:

Perché è odiata per questo? Mi piace in parte anche per questo!!

Tout le monde l'aime, sauf deux personnes, pour cette raison mais il n'y a pas d'autres raisons. C’est l’enfer qui s’est déchaîné sur cette question. Voyons ce qui se passe maintenant que j'ai lu ce que l'administrateur a écrit

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8 hours ago, Xarvaz said:

those patrons really have no idea how it works, if I like someone they can insult him or her to the bone... it doesn't matter to me as long as they don't get personal with me (they know where they end up) they can curse or ridicule anyone as much as they want, and they have that right just as I have the right to burn Karma to the ground (which I will do as long as she is there and not changed)

I totally agree with you and that is exactly why I despise one person here because he is the only one who gets personal...nobody else does and yea he knows who he is lol.   

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21 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:


No matter what forum on the internet there is always positive and negative comments but the positive far outweigh the negative ones.  Everyone's opinion should be respected no matter what's posted good or bad.  Chewing someone out because one doesn't like someone else's posting does not achieve anything but create excessive posts between individuals gaslighting and cussing one another.  Personally I don't care what others post about tenants of the apartments if the tenants read the forum they should be able to handle any comments that critic them. If they can't then they'll get over it. Afterall they're supposed to be grown adults.  

Every member has an ignore button. If one finds another members posts annoying the place them on ignore and you won't see their posts unless they quote another individual.  It's not the perfect solution but it makes the forums run a little more balanced without the friction between one another.  

I agree 100% and I continue to take your advice and to 'ignore' the filth on here by those hellbent on causing trouble for everyone else. 

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4 hours ago, itohkata said:

That was very first degree. I do agree 100% with you about what what we are entitled to as viewers. 

I'm so tired of reading that X or Y is lazy, or does not put a show, or whatever (even if I might sometime agree with those comments). Yet my solution for that is easy : I switch cam or go do something more meaningful.

Thanks friend. 

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6 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

You could say the same about the guys also, so much time and hate invested in the guys who likely read the forums too. This is a risk too but nobody gives a shit. You can't just concern yourself with the wellbeing of the girls and then carry on ridiculing the guys lol. So much concentrated hate toward the guys lol and as for me, I don't dislike Karma, I just don't like some of her choices in life which she brings to the project when really it could be done off cam and somewhere else. 

Some things one just have to learn to live with it.  After all the tenants are not there for a lifetime but only a mere matter of months. Karma and Sara should be departing sometime soon.  It's just a matter of when.  

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