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Si esta WEB-ESTAFA DE RLC tuviera un poco de competencia, estos hijos de put..... de  RLC pronto dejarian de sonreir y tomarle el pelo a sus abonados.Ahora los hijos de puta infiltrados que vayan a informar a sus jefes.Escoria.

PD.Se me olvidaba, parece ser que por fin la garrapata ( Kiko ) se mudo al apartamento, que lleva 4-5 una semana sin salir de el?No era un apartamento para chicas?Que hace el piojoso hay?

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  • 3 weeks later...

And another female in the bedroom under the sheets with her face buried in a phone.

Surely she is trying out for RLC. Nora's place even.

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggg. The bitch is covered with ink too.  >:(

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No shit, this website is going to take RLC for sure. RLC seems to have too many crybabies and shy girls. Cock Blockers and too many cover myself for the cam personnel. Alot of other websites are coming forth based upon "RealLifeCam" and even free! You can get porn for free so why spend money and wait for things to happen while you can search Google Video and get the real deal for free. RLC needs to step up cause ratings are going to go down. Today, I have remove them from my bookmarks after other websites came up. I can't post them because they will be blocked from other users/members but all I can say... The French Just Stepped Up The Game!. Wi!

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