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They seem to like each other... or is it just the old story to acquire new subscribers with video watching in the payed bedroom...


I think the really come along well. Yesterday you could see how they also helped each other to reduce fears. Until now, I was not so confident about Karen. Here I was probably wrong. He interacts well with the other residents (both couples) and seems also to reduce  his inhibitions over the time. Tanya I also totally underestimated.

This apartment is developing very positively. I'm surprised especially by VV, how fast they have found a substitute couple that I also be able to find sympathetic.

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Guest sanspseudo5999

Dans le premier appartement il se passera rien avec la nouvelle fille et le mec ce n'est pas un couple ils dorment chacun de leur côté elle par l air très intéressé par lui

In the first apartment there nothing will happen with the new girl and the guy that's not a couple they sleep their separate it by air very interested by it

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