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I no longer have the power of adjustment.

Soon, if I can work it right.

I am limited as to what I can and cannot do here.  I am not at home but at work and I don't have all the tools necessary to adjust jpg files.  In any case, the four or five folks who have paid any attention to this drama have already read the thing, so....

It has all passed, like too much coconut. 

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And now it's time for our little song again, being an old salt dog like certain others here, I'm rather partial to the rolling up and down upon the undulating waves of the Camcaps sea.  :)

"Blast ye eyes maties, the old dogs still have their sea legs with em!"  "Unmast the canons!"  "Let away!"

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Miss Kraft, When we, as a society, behave in such a way that brings shame and distrust we can't expect to have that ignored as individuals. We can earn it back over time but it isn't easy because of community memory; just like a badge doesn't earn you instant respect, it only allows you the benefit of a doubt. The breaking of a trust opens a door that can rarely be closed again. In my 50 years of memory I cannot think of a time when the black folks as a whole didn't ask for handouts or create grief when asked to earn it. Individually is different. I can think of many who don't have time for those kinds of shenanigans. The Romans taught us that no society will ever be accepted into another unless they, as a whole, have something to contribute that benefits everyone. Off hand I can name a few contributors. Daniel Williams - performed the first successful open heart surgery. Vivien Thomas who developed the techniques used to treat Blue-Baby syndrome. He started out as a janitor in the hospital, then a Dr Blalock discovered he was good at making tools for surgery and eventually started teaching cardiac surgical techniques (readers Digest version- he really did a lot more); all this without college. Or George Washington Carver who was experimenting with the uses of peanut oils and wound up saving the south's cotton industry by switching from cotton, which was being decimated by the Boll Weevil and nitrogen depletion of the soil,  to peanuts; starting crop rotation as the result. Jimmy Carter can thank him for that. However stupidly, the folks decided to erect a statue of the Boll Weevil instead of Carver. Why doesn't the black society use them as role models instead of Malcolm X and his ilk. Even Rev (NOT) Jackson who preaches "give to the blacks" and "resist whitey" not "dig in and work for a living", or "rebuild a stand-up family structure". It doesn't take money to throw away trash instead of trash your neighborhood. It doesn't take money to take care of the things you have. Or listening to the nearly unintelligible conversation coming from supposedly English speaking folks; and I actually heard one say that english isn't their real language; that they are African descent and English doesn't come easy to their tongues. THAT's Horseshit! Their generational history in America is longer than mine by nearly 100 years. I could learn any of the African languages in a few months and within a few years may not have a consequential  accent. I am not a racist or I would also be against Chinks, Wops, Beaners, Japs, Gerry's (Krauts), and Micks. No amount of of political rhetoric is going to change these things only hard, honest work. And that includes pulling up your pants, speaking clearly without the prodigious use of expletives and derogatory names for each other. 

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That was an exceptional post Watcher.  And I agree with you one hundred percent.

They never really mention the ones that ought to be held up high when it comes to getting the attention of their young.  I can only wonder why, but I suppose it has something to do with the fact that those role models don't help to enflame their resentment towards the white folks, but instead stresses the virtues of self-reliance and responsibility.

As you know, the "Hate Whitey" organizations benefit greatly through their profligation of their usual "It's all their fault" rhetoric. 

To me, they are scum, and not true role models, or anyone at all to lend an ear to.   

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Wops? Wops, sir. Well shit. I'm offended. I'se bin dist. I'se gona burn down all of Ft. Lauderdale in hate for Whitey.

A word is a word is a word is a word. Say it enough and it has no meaning whatsoever.

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