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Leora & Paul (2024) #42


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Just now, pulo filipe said:

Paul in the bathtub washed his body sitting down  

Maybe will remove the milk 

She is already waiting for him naked in the bedroom, the night is about to go from promising to disastrous so I’m out of here.

Goodnight !

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oui c'est encore un Ă©clairage de merde .

paul a éteint l'éclairage  du salon pour avoir les 4 caméras en vision de nuit ,mes leora c'est levée quelques minutes aprés pour alumée le salon  se qui reste encore une qualité médiocre .

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26 minutes ago, van the man said:

Why on earth has Leora decided to live in semi darkness all the time? She seems to have joined the rest of RLC in deliberately annoying their audience! Not a good move.

She is far too experienced for it to be unplanned.

Finally! Another person says it. I was starting to sound like a broken record, seemingly being the only one to go on about it.

I dont get it either 😕

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29 minutes ago, van the man said:

Why on earth has Leora decided to live in semi darkness all the time? She seems to have joined the rest of RLC in deliberately annoying their audience! Not a good move.

She is far too experienced for it to be unplanned.

If the rest of the apartments are doing likewise then it could be under instructions and orders to reduce electricity costs and climate change bullshit from RLC.

People certainly don’t pay premium money to see a reduced experience no matter who’s to blame.

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9 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

If the rest of the apartments are doing likewise then it could be under instructions and orders to reduce electricity costs and climate change bullshit from RLC.

People certainly don’t pay premium money to see a reduced experience no matter who’s to blame.

Quickly looking through the replay screenshots, there doesnt appear to be many bates with poor lighting, sex is hit and miss, some in NV, some in good lighting, so it might not be a RLC Instruction.

Who feckin' knows though... đŸ€Ł

edit - i apologise if ive missed some obvious sarcasm....

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il y a 1 minute, jimbo4 a dit :

Si le reste des appartements fait de mĂȘme, cela pourrait ĂȘtre sous les instructions et les ordres de RLC visant Ă  rĂ©duire les coĂ»ts d'Ă©lectricitĂ© et les conneries liĂ©es au changement climatique.

Les gens ne paient certainement pas un prix élevé pour bénéficier d'une expérience réduite, peu importe qui est à blùmer.

bonsoir jimbo4 ,

Je ne dirai pas que se sont les instructions de RLC ,ont a souvent remarqué que lorsqu'ils sortent que les lumiÚres restent allumées ?

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