Daryalok Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 Milana graced us with about an hour of her time so far today. Shower time doesn't count. You know I'm not so mad about her hiding. In most cases this usually changes after getting used to the cams. I am upset about both Rita and Milana not being in the apartment more. I know they need to get outside and have a life, but I don't pay to maybe see them the 25% of the time they are there. I'm from Texas and I call "Bullshit" on this one. If things don't change in a hurry I'll drop back to standard membership. I'll miss Nelly, but I think Zoya is the best thing overall on RLC right now anyway. End of Bitch session. I believe that whenever they realize that RLC takes the apartment for maintenance, they just figure they are free to go enjoy theirselves outside. The fact that we can see a picture of the apartment does not mean it is operational.............probably just a static pic with the current time overlaid . Meanwhile, they are doing some type of maintenance . P.S. Notice that the chair appears in it's proper position in the static display. If the apartment goes down for maintenance (cameras off) it means that the girls have returned and things will be back to normal . Yeah and the sounds are also an overlay. Even the shadow of the sun moving across the wall in Ritas room is also an overlay.. Maybe the sun is in on it? :O Sigh.. Conspiracy theories is growing by the minute here and to be honest I am growing more tired of the whining in here than the "lack of skin" in the apartments. Some people calls for a "revolution" of some sort to try to force RLC to change.. We are but a piss in the ocean compared to the wider viewing audience! Pay for it and watch it as it is or don´t.. Simple as that! Whining... pfft.. Ok mr RLC. If whining bothers you dont read and dont bother to answer to all the people "whining". Unless you are one of the owners of RLC i see no point in being ironic towards other members. I couldn't agree with you more Giovanni!! I believe Daryalok is part of RLC, the way he is constantly taking up for their sorry asses!! I believe there is a bigger audience of CC members than one might believe and if every one of them stood for what's right instead of putting up with the constant crap RLC is providing these days, I do believe it would get their attention!! I'm done with them, it's up to you all to make a difference!! "Taking up for their sorry asses"? Yes I am.. It is the whole idea of their business!! I pay for what they deliver and so do you! If you turn it this way then maybe you can understand where I am coming from. If you were a single girl coming from Russia and got the opportunity to live in a flat in Spain would you stay indoors all the time then? This time of year? I would find the beaches and sun and social life of Barcelona a bit more intriguing. And that is the whole idea of the RLC concept.. Real Life Cam.. And to be honest I quite like it this way.. The anticipation of some action is almost as good as the action itself. As soon as one has an opinion that differs I am "One of them".. As I said.. Conspiracy theorists.. Maybe I am the main driving force of the new world order as well? :) Maybe I am the personification of NSA spying? Don´t worry, I won´t post my opinions anymore if it offends you guys. Take care.. :) Will still be reading your rants though.. ;) related speech that states, pay you have nothing to say, no longer works. Sorry I pay for a voyeur site, opposite the service provider must offer exebitionnistes. We demondons nothing else. If history is a scam. Stop telling us anything. I ask you a question, why you watch this site? Be honest with yourself As I have mentioned in other posts my honest reply is that yes, I do want to see skin and sex and all that but I also understand the sentiment of the RL in RLC. I knew what I was buying when I pushed the Pay button. Now if we are going to dsicuss this further I suggest someone creates a post in the Rants and flamewars section. This is just de-railing the thread (I am partially responsible for that)..
StnCld316 Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 Just another foolish question... They re russian girls right? So, how can they get their mobile phones to work in Spain so fast when they arrive? I think no one thought about that yet. Maybe a phone in supplied to them upon entering the apartment and when they leave everything is erased to pass the phone onto the next girl since most are there for only a month. That's just my opinion of it.
Gudari Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 Just another foolish question... They re russian girls right? So, how can they get their mobile phones to work in Spain so fast when they arrive? I think no one thought about that yet. Maybe a phone in supplied to them upon entering the apartment and when they leave everything is erased to pass the phone onto the next girl since most are there for only a month. That's just my opinion of it. No creo que suministren un teléfono. En el apartamento basta con utilizar el sistema wi-fi para tener conexión a Internet (Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, VK...) con respecto a las llamadas hay tarifas planas para contratar roaming.
Guest Ange_Gardien Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 Milana graced us with about an hour of her time so far today. Shower time doesn't count. You know I'm not so mad about her hiding. In most cases this usually changes after getting used to the cams. I am upset about both Rita and Milana not being in the apartment more. I know they need to get outside and have a life, but I don't pay to maybe see them the 25% of the time they are there. I'm from Texas and I call "Bullshit" on this one. If things don't change in a hurry I'll drop back to standard membership. I'll miss Nelly, but I think Zoya is the best thing overall on RLC right now anyway. End of Bitch session. I believe that whenever they realize that RLC takes the apartment for maintenance, they just figure they are free to go enjoy theirselves outside. The fact that we can see a picture of the apartment does not mean it is operational.............probably just a static pic with the current time overlaid . Meanwhile, they are doing some type of maintenance . P.S. Notice that the chair appears in it's proper position in the static display. If the apartment goes down for maintenance (cameras off) it means that the girls have returned and things will be back to normal . Yeah and the sounds are also an overlay. Even the shadow of the sun moving across the wall in Ritas room is also an overlay.. Maybe the sun is in on it? :O Sigh.. Conspiracy theories is growing by the minute here and to be honest I am growing more tired of the whining in here than the "lack of skin" in the apartments. Some people calls for a "revolution" of some sort to try to force RLC to change.. We are but a piss in the ocean compared to the wider viewing audience! Pay for it and watch it as it is or don´t.. Simple as that! Whining... pfft.. Ok mr RLC. If whining bothers you dont read and dont bother to answer to all the people "whining". Unless you are one of the owners of RLC i see no point in being ironic towards other members. I couldn't agree with you more Giovanni!! I believe Daryalok is part of RLC, the way he is constantly taking up for their sorry asses!! I believe there is a bigger audience of CC members than one might believe and if every one of them stood for what's right instead of putting up with the constant crap RLC is providing these days, I do believe it would get their attention!! I'm done with them, it's up to you all to make a difference!! "Taking up for their sorry asses"? Yes I am.. It is the whole idea of their business!! I pay for what they deliver and so do you! If you turn it this way then maybe you can understand where I am coming from. If you were a single girl coming from Russia and got the opportunity to live in a flat in Spain would you stay indoors all the time then? This time of year? I would find the beaches and sun and social life of Barcelona a bit more intriguing. And that is the whole idea of the RLC concept.. Real Life Cam.. And to be honest I quite like it this way.. The anticipation of some action is almost as good as the action itself. As soon as one has an opinion that differs I am "One of them".. As I said.. Conspiracy theorists.. Maybe I am the main driving force of the new world order as well? :) Maybe I am the personification of NSA spying? Don´t worry, I won´t post my opinions anymore if it offends you guys. Take care.. :) Will still be reading your rants though.. ;) related speech that states, pay you have nothing to say, no longer works. Sorry I pay for a voyeur site, opposite the service provider must offer exebitionnistes. We demondons nothing else. If history is a scam. Stop telling us anything. I ask you a question, why you watch this site? Be honest with yourself As I have mentioned in other posts my honest reply is that yes, I do want to see skin and sex and all that but I also understand the sentiment of the RL in RLC. I knew what I was buying when I pushed the Pay button. Now if we are going to dsicuss this further I suggest someone creates a post in the Rants and flamewars section. This is just de-railing the thread (I am partially responsible for that).. Non vous n'avez rien dit de choquant, C'est votre point de vue, et devons le respecter
Gudari Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 Hay algo muy claro en este apartamento y es que RLC práctica su modelo de negocio basado en él. Es muy sencillo, simplemente basta con ofrecer un día al mes algo de emoción que incite a ganar suscriptores, después el trabajo ya está realizado para un mes completo, la chica desaparece y tú has pagado la membresía de un mes completo que bajo sus leyes no obliga al reembolso, así que no sirve de nada quejarse una vez has pagado la membresía. La dos únicas formas de que se pudiera conseguir algo es con la no renovación de membresías masiva o con la real competencia de otro sitio web, que no la hay actualmente. Personalmente yo ya he optado por la primera, pero solo soy uno más...Quizás alguién que pueda entender la abogacía podría redactar un contrato dirigido a RLC en el que se impongan diferentes apartados cómo lo que firmamos nosotros con RLC al suscribirnos. Simplemente es una opinión, considerable en mi opinión. No olviden, con la lucha se hace la fuerza!
Gudari Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 Volviendo al tema Milana, hay una pequeña diferencia entre ella y Rita, está chica es más autosuficiente, sabe cocinar por lo que he comprobado, además de que parece más limpia...ella friega todo lo que ensucia y con jabón lavavajillas, como debe ser! Milana preveo que acabará llevandose mejor con Nora que con Rita ya que Rita es muy aburrida y va sobre todo a por lo que le interesa.
Daryalok Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 Volviendo al tema Milana, hay una pequeña diferencia entre ella y Rita, está chica es más autosuficiente, sabe cocinar por lo que he comprobado, además de que parece más limpia...ella friega todo lo que ensucia y con jabón lavavajillas, como debe ser! Milana preveo que acabará llevandose mejor con Nora que con Rita ya que Rita es muy aburrida y va sobre todo a por lo que le interesa. I agree.. It seems both Nora and Milana is more "mature" in the ways of taking care of themselves. Maybe this is the first time Rita is living by herself without anyone (parent or housemaid) picking up after her.
Kida Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 I know its the rules and all this that the tenants are not oblidged to show anything but the people who own that voyeur site look pretty dumb to me. It used to think that. I thought they were poor businessmen. Now, I'm quickly becoming convinced that there's something "fishy" going on. This kind of thing has happened far too often to be coincidence. At least some of it has to be intentional. It is time that the premium members get organized, we are more on CC, sufit There, we stop the premium membership, at least for a week, and you will see that all their bullshit rules will stop . Then set up a thread, ask the guys if they agree. Just a week and you will see. Please, do an action together I don't think the rules will change any. RLC has a bigger viewing audience outside of what is here on Cam Caps that view them. So I don't think they are going to lose any sleep. agreed.. Also how do you expect to drop the membership for one week ?? you pay for a whole month at a time..
StnCld316 Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 I know its the rules and all this that the tenants are not oblidged to show anything but the people who own that voyeur site look pretty dumb to me. It used to think that. I thought they were poor businessmen. Now, I'm quickly becoming convinced that there's something "fishy" going on. This kind of thing has happened far too often to be coincidence. At least some of it has to be intentional. It is time that the premium members get organized, we are more on CC, sufit There, we stop the premium membership, at least for a week, and you will see that all their bullshit rules will stop . Then set up a thread, ask the guys if they agree. Just a week and you will see. Please, do an action together I don't think the rules will change any. RLC has a bigger viewing audience outside of what is here on Cam Caps that view them. So I don't think they are going to lose any sleep. agreed.. Also how do you expect to drop the membership for one week ?? you pay for a whole month at a time.. I don't think they have their 3 day trials anymore. It's never advertised as such.
Gudari Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 Creo que Milana y Nora se parecen más en forma de ser y de pensar con respecto a Rita. Rita es una niña consentida y Milana y Nora son más astutas e inteligentes. Rita se tiene que estar comiendo las uñas de los pies ahora mismo en su habitación aunque tampoco creo que le importe demasiado, ella es más antisocial que incluso Nora y mucho más aburrida, además de que Rita solo se mueve por el interés...si quieres llevarte bien con ella, tienes que acatar todo lo que ella manda y si no, fuera! Solo se mueve con mentes débiles y manejables, como demostró serlo Jenny. Además Rita ya tiene a quién follarse que parece que es lo único que le interesa para intentar quedarse en Barcelona.
JD007 Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 Just Curious, Did any Russian speaking members hear the conversation between Nora and Milana at the dining table?
Guest Ange_Gardien Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 Creo que Milana y Nora se parecen más en forma de ser y de pensar con respecto a Rita. Rita es una niña consentida y Milana y Nora son más astutas e inteligentes. Rita se tiene que estar comiendo las uñas de los pies ahora mismo en su habitación aunque tampoco creo que le importe demasiado, ella es más antisocial que incluso Nora y mucho más aburrida, además de que Rita solo se mueve por el interés...si quieres llevarte bien con ella, tienes que acatar todo lo que ella manda y si no, fuera! Solo se mueve con mentes débiles y manejables, como demostró serlo Jenny. Además Rita ya tiene a quién follarse que parece que es lo único que le interesa para intentar quedarse en Barcelona. No, yomismo, for after what I have just seen, Miliana, is a good player, it will exceed the bottle Kamilia ... yay, Rita can influence on the usual rules, but not on the bed is the individual INSTin, so if milina loves showing, Rita can not prevent
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