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new thread-OMG, MILANA IS HOME, haha

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I think it's time we had this thread  :D

;) ;) Esta vez de acuerdo contigo, pero esto que sucede con esta chica-estafa vengo comentandolo hace bastante tiempo, ha pasado mas horas fuera del apartamento-estafa que dentro

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I have to admit, though, that I'm happy she's still around at all considering how dead most of the apartments are. She is a beautiful woman and I actually like to see the interactions between her and Coco. If they're not best friends, they both deserve acting awards because they never slip out of character. They seem like genuinely nice young ladies to me.

The most exciting thing going on among all the other apartments these days is checking out the guests. lol. Otherwise, they're nice to check out occasionally, but too boring to spend a lot of time on.

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Je m'en fous qu'elles rentrent pour ressortir direct, mais qu'elles rentrent baiser au moins  ;D ;D

ben au moins, on sait ce que tu recherches sur rlc!!!!! ??? :-\ ;)

Car tu trouves qu'il y a autre chose à faire avec cet appartement ? elles sont jamais là donc au moins profiter de quelques choses de sympa

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