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What's Leora's job?

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I have already said earlier answer. Leora pass entrance tests for admission to the Institute of Police. She wants to get that education so as medicine in Russia, badly paid and has no demand.

More good insight from our resident Russian speaker.

Complete 180 degrees around in the U.S. where most police are paid poorly and are not appreciated, while many in the medical field find good careers.

One more thing.... Being in "custody" of Leaora would not be a bad thing!

Yes I know. In Russia, all the way around. medicine is not valued. Police conversely has the highest priority in all.
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Did my comment get deleted we got some bad ass moderator on here lol

What comment was that?

It is my experience that the mods here only delete posts that are completely worthless spam, lead to malware sites, or of the most extreme kind.

I'm teetering on the precipice of dumping the slimy-limey altogether. Nothing but drivel comes from his unpunctuated keyboard anyway.

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I have already said earlier answer. Leora pass entrance tests for admission to the Institute of Police. She wants to get that education so as medicine in Russia, badly paid and has no demand.

It would be funny if they assign her to undercover missions.

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Did my comment get deleted we got some bad ass moderator on here lol

No. We seldom delete anything unless it's CP or spam or a virus link, or unless a poster requests us to delete it for them.

In fact, the Sheriff and I are often denounced for failing to delete posts that are considered "politically incorrect." The Sheriff and I detest the loss of liberty that "Political Correctness" can so easily entail, and we hate Orwellian Newspeak.

Did you hit "Preview" when you wanted to hit "Post?"

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Did my comment get deleted we got some bad ass moderator on here lol

What comment was that?

It is my experience that the mods here only delete posts that are completely worthless spam, lead to malware sites, or of the most extreme kind.

It was not spam I just made a joke saying leora sucks mens dick for living seems the moderators on here don't like jokes so I will stop doing it

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Suck mens cocks

Gee powerdriver, I'm sorry. My bad. I just read this comment out of context, figured it was some adolescent inane jackass comment posted in a fit of trollish behavior, dumped it, then forgot about it entirely.

We call this "Squirrel senior moments."

Please forgive me. Stupid little comments like "jdsfpoqeoi" and "Suck my dick" show up here constantly. I mistook it for one of those routinely dismissed expressions, instead of seeing it in its full context.

I have restored it, so members can judge for themselves.

But I'll warn you that members of the Leora International Fan Club fight like Khaleesi's warriors when their queen is attacked. In fact, I expect the scent of a pissed-off skunk to permeate this thread any minute.  ;D

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Suck mens cocks

Yes she can suck the cock of her boyfriend , and his mother sucked the stick from his father, from his friend, neighbor , and who knows how much more , when judging a woman for what she does, remember the their mothers' , it can be as bitch or even more as the person you think.

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I thought we covered this before.


She heads up an international distribution company that specializes in selling her slightly soiled panties.

They come in an unmarked black plastic bag for 10 rubles, or $25.00 US.

And for a mere $49.95 plus postage, you can purchase them framed with a small art light to hang on your bedroom wall.  Enhances the décor of any room, and makes for a nice ambient light at night.


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Sorry, those have been sold out for quite a while now.  Though she is working on a personalized perfume of her own, made from her own fragrant love juices.    It's not only sweet smelling but revitalizing as well.

It's like having Ponce de le'on in a convenient atomizer mist bottle. 

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It's been my experience when someone projects a statement such as powerdriver has that in reality it's their fantasy that they want fulfilled. So powerdriver you wanting to suck some dick? As for Leora she does suck dick.. a crooked one at that but only his.

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