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Some clarity..

When the girls walked out of the club, Kamila was angry at Kristy, because Kristy was a bit drunk. Somewhere near the metro station Kristy just wanted to pat the nice homeless dog, because she very loves dogs, Kamila told to Kristy something very bad, left Kristy alone and then went home without Kristy.. Kristy is now angry on Kamila..

Wait, I heard the same exact story about Milana and Coco! Lol

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This is just the way the girls react in such situations. A small thing, a serious look consequences. Now we can only wait for the right moment, when they get to the dispute agreed. It can happen inside the apartment or outside, but I hope it happens. Kamila tried yesterday a couple of times to say something to Kristy, but Kristy was not yet ready to forgive. I think this is better situation in that way, than reversed. In my opinion, Kristy is more willing to forgive to Kamila, as Kamila would be forgive to Kristy.

I'm sure we've all seen this in real life. When I started dating my ex-wife, we were roughly the same age as these girls. She was her best friend, they had known each other since childhood. Every now and then they had a very similar situation, as these girls have now. Sometimes it took two days, sometimes for many months, but of course they were not lived together. And every time it started unimaginably small matter. Women's brains just work very differently than men, and therefore we will be very difficult at times to understand them.

Edit: Sorry, a little bit wrong thread, but because here were discussion about their speechlessness.

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Qualifications of a good interpreter.

Interpreters find it difficult to make a living from the art if they don't possess, at a minimum, the following skills:

•Knowledge of the general subject of the speeches that are to be interpreted.

•General erudition and intimate familiarity with both cultures.

•Extensive vocabulary in both languages.

•Ability to express thoughts clearly and concisely in both languages.

•Excellent note-taking technique for consecutive interpreting.

•At least 2-3 years of booth experience for simultaneous interpreting.

Highly unlikely anyone attempting to interpret what is being said on RLC is achieving anything more than an uneducated guess.

You forgot something

Fanboys need not apply!

It irritates me when we have different versions of the same conversation, But allowing only one translator who is a clear "fanboy" doesn't work for me.

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You forgot something

Fanboys need not apply!

It irritates me when we have different versions of the same conversation, But allowing only one translator who is a clear "fanboy" doesn't work for me.

Who are you implying as a "fanboy"?

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