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Where are the girls-what are they doing?

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Sorry you feel that way but I was just expressing an opinion that apparently touched a nerve. Someone had to say it so I stepped up. As someone who has had many healthy relationships with women over the course of my life I was being honest about how I believe they would react to some of the posts here.

"many healthy relationships with women"..............................like it and can appreciate what you are saying as I have had and am still having that same experience, but don't expect too much of a reaction here, this is definitely unfamiliar territory for most.

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Yeah, I am going to back off here as I see it turning into a flame war and I don't do that. The extreme reaction to the disruption of the fantasy tells its own story. I won't be following this line any further. I have made my point.

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And I also love to see when a hater get caught up in their own lies,he said that he wasn't talking about me yet he wrote this,and who do you guys see that made a tribute photo yesterday....Mikey 8) 8)

I hate to cut across the grain here but I have to say that in the unlikely event that these girls read this board on anything like a regular basis, the only reaction they would have to the emotional expressions and tribute pictures is to be seriously creeped out. They suggest a personal connection that does not exist.

My goodness, I don't hate you or anyone else here. You might notice if you read my original post that I did not mention any names. I will say that your strong response to having your narrative disrupted just adds credence to my assertion. It is not necessary to start a flame war over a dissenting opinion. I assume they are allowed here if they are presented respectfully. I reassert that some of the posts here probably make these woman feel uncomfortable. That is not trolling, that is an opinion.

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Yeah, I am going to back off here as I see it turning into a flame war and I don't do that. The extreme reaction to the disruption of the fantasy tells its own story. I won't be following this line any further. I have made my point.

Why not let people have their fantasy? What do you expect to happen when everybody can freely watch young women 24/7 without much background information?

Yes, a lot of projection and fantasy, so what?  :-\  Banning system is in place if it gets too absurd ..

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My goodness, I don't hate you or anyone else here. You might notice if you read my original post that I did not mention any names. I will say that your strong response to having your narrative disrupted just adds credence to my assertion. It is not necessary to start a flame war over a dissenting opinion. I assume they are allowed here if they are presented respectfully. I reassert that some of the posts here probably make these woman feel uncomfortable. That is not trolling, that is an opinion.

If my experience here has taught me anything, do not waste your time trying to engage in any sort of intelligent discussion. People here like to call you names just for disagreeing with them even when you make a valid point. The majority of people here only want to obsess over women that they'll never have any sort of interaction with no sense of rational intelligence, and they will attack anybody that does not want to do the same thing. Rekt made a good post before he was banned that I agree with and you also made a good point in your previous post, but you can expect that it will mostly fall on deaf ears here because most of the people here are too wrapped up in their own fantasies to see logic from the irrational behavior.

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If my experience here has taught me anything, do not waste your time trying to engage in any sort of intelligent discussion. People here like to call you names just for disagreeing with them even when you make a valid point. The majority of people here only want to obsess over women that they'll never have any sort of interaction with no sense of rational intelligence, and they will attack anybody that does not want to do the same thing. Rekt made a good post before he was banned that I agree with and you also made a good point in your previous post, but you can expect that it will mostly fall on deaf ears here because most of the people here are too wrapped up in their own fantasies to see logic from the irrational behavior.

If you are so rational why do keep coming back here telling others how irrational they are for being caught up in these fantasies? Is that what you mean by rational intelligence?

You can call it the "I am pure and merely an observer" fantasy,

get over yourself already ;D

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The two CC trouble makers that never sleep,Miscvoyeur and TimeWarp always agreeing and liking each others shit,"Oh you're right buddy,I love you too buddy" lmaoo!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ok I'm done now I'll leave you hating trolls alone,carry on your hating job,I know you guys are busy up all night trolling while everyone is sleeping,So much hate so little time.You guys are the perfect example of why this website is always having flame wars.People who just don't know when to quit talking shit about other CC members and focus on the ladies of RLC

And it ain't got shit to do with having a different opinion,there is a difference with having a difference of opinion vs insulting someone just for the hell of it.

And you guys keep on saying that a majority of us are here to obsess over the girls of RLC,so let me ask you guys this,WHY DO YOU WATCH RLC,WHY DID YOU SIGN UP FOR CC? Simple question.

If my experience here has taught me anything, do not waste your time trying to engage in any sort of intelligent discussion. People here like to call you names just for disagreeing with them even when you make a valid point. The majority of people here only want to obsess over women that they'll never have any sort of interaction with no sense of rational intelligence, and they will attack anybody that does not want to do the same thing. Rekt made a good post before he was banned that I agree with and you also made a good point in your previous post, but you can expect that it will mostly fall on deaf ears here because most of the people here are too wrapped up in their own fantasies to see logic from the irrational behavior.

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Wow you make such a good point, except I DON'T keep telling others how irrational I think they're being. And when you make up blatant lies to try to prove your own made up point, that shows the level of intelligence you possess. I have an opinion and I am not afraid to express it but contrary to what you want to believe, I do not make it my business to constantly throw it in people's face and anybody can check my post history to verify this. And for the record, I was merely agreeing with someone else. So why don't you get over yourself already.

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Wow you make such a good point, except I DON'T keep telling others how irrational I think they're being. And when you make up blatant lies to try to prove your own made up point, that shows the level of intelligence you possess. I have an opinion and I am not afraid to express it but contrary to what you want to believe, I do not make it my business to constantly throw it in people's face and anybody can check my post history to verify this. And for the record, I was merely agreeing with someone else. So why don't you get over yourself already.

You are all over the place, so there is very little to respond to. You contradict yourself in the very next response, the  "no sense of rational intelligence" bit, but yeah that's about it.

If you fall off that high horse it may hurt a bit, but your view/perspective will be so much greater/bigger, so I'll hope you'll fall soon  :)

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You know what is extremely hilarious to me is the fact that over the years these guys used the same exact script and tired lines,no wonder they like each other,they talk shit and insult us about obsessing,over the girls while they are the ones who took the time to become members of RLC and CC,so what exactly is their purpose for being here or there?

What are we on CC to talk about other than the girls,they talk shit about a CC member and when you talk back to them to defend yourself against what they wrote about you,THEY SEEM TO ME TO USE THE SAME SCRIPT AND SAME LINES,"I WAS JUST HAVING AN OPINION",OR ANOTHER FUNNY ONE TO ME IS THEY ALWAYS LIKE TO USE THE WORD "INTELLIGENCE"......."OH I WAS JUST TRYING TO HAVE A INTELLIGENT CONVERSATION", DO THEY REALIZE WHERE WE ARE?, WE ARE HERE TO LOOK AT BEAUTIFUL WOMEN AND ADMIRE AND FANTASIZE ABOUT THEM...No intelligence is required here.I save my intelligence for work or other more important things in real life,they always tell people on CC that they have an opinion and that they are not afraid to express it,yet they pounce on and talk shit about another person who has a different opinion than theirs,and call them stupid and again their favorite word "unintelligent" ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


If you are so rational why do keep coming back here telling others how irrational they are for being caught up in these fantasies? Is that what you mean by rational intelligence?

You can call it the "I am pure and merely an observer" fantasy,

get over yourself already ;D

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