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Where are the girls-what are they doing?

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Well from what I have read they left early this morning to go do who knows what with who knows whom and now they are out partying.  If I was a betting man, I would bet that as soon as they get home they will do there little routine they do before bedtime and then pass smooth out!  Any takers?

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i thought kristy wasnt home.

She is maybe just rubbing not full on masturbation yet.  Kami is in bed with earphones and cell no covers yet, Kristy just stopped no orgasm I think and looks like maybe sleep?  Kami no earphones, but smiling while texting
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I think I thought of another possibility for Kristy and Kamilas' pretend lesbian act.It provides protection for them when they go out.With as hot and sexy as both Kamila and Kristy are can you imagine how many guys must hit on them at the clubs.If Kristy and Kamila can convince the guys that they are a lesbian couple then that would cause the guys to back off.

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