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Wow things have cooled off

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I'd thought that too until tonight, Kirsty was in her room and asked Kamila if she could borrow her headphones, After getting them she closed the door and played with herself for maybe 5 mins, She then opened the door again (I guess that's the notice that's she finished) After maybe 10-15 mins Kamila was obviously restless and got up and went to Kirsty's room, They talked for a few mins then Kirsty picked up her blanket and pillow and headed for Kamila's room (the smile on Kamila's face was unreal) Kamila then tried to call someone but got no answer so appeared to sent a sms, they then settled down and it was pretty much how it was before, Kirsty sprawled all over Kamila with her thigh in Kami's buttchecks, Kirsty kept bumping her thigh into Kami's butt and at no time did Kamila tell her to stop.

The most pleasing thing about it was that Kamila was the instigator.

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I'd thought that too until tonight, Kirsty was in her room and asked Kamila if she could borrow her headphones, After getting them she closed the door and played with herself for maybe 5 mins, She then opened the door again (I guess that's the notice that's she finished) After maybe 10-15 mins Kamila was obviously restless and got up and went to Kirsty's room, They talked for a few mins then Kirsty picked up her blanket and pillow and headed for Kamila's room (the smile on Kamila's face was unreal) Kamila then tried to call someone but got no answer so appeared to sent a sms, they then settled down and it was pretty much how it was before, Kirsty sprawled all over Kamila with her thigh in Kami's buttchecks, Kirsty kept bumping her thigh into Kami's butt and at no time did Kamila tell her to stop.

The most pleasing thing about it was that Kamila was the instigator.

Maybe it was show time for the cameras,or Kami just tolerates Kristy's behavior just so she doesn't have to sleep alone.
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Das ist alles eine Show keine Frage, in dieser Wohnung sind nicht die Bewohner die Chefs, was man von allen anderen 6 Wohnungen nicht behaupten kann.... Leute macht die Wohnung dicht, und zeigt uns das wahre Leben wie wir es beim Anmelden versprochen bekommen haben.........

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Das ist alles eine Show keine Frage, in dieser Wohnung sind nicht die Bewohner die Chefs, was man von allen anderen 6 Wohnungen nicht behaupten kann.... Leute macht die Wohnung dicht, und zeigt uns das wahre Leben wie wir es beim Anmelden versprochen bekommen haben.........

May I ask you why you spend your precious time watching this apartment? Because I get the feeling that you don't like it that much  ;)

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