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I got an email back from vv telling me this is what they wanted, well they got it a knife fight. They really are in controll aren't they. They listen to a person who on job in life was taking off her cloths and fucking. That who I would listen too, how dum can they be. If they don't kick Akria out hey deserve what they are going to get.

It might be crappy on the part of VV but the drama is probably increasing interest in the site.  Just looking at this forum alone, which has really taken off the past few days, particularly with the drama of the past 24 hours.  I am a little ashamed to admit it but I am hooked - I kind of want to see how this all plays out, with the two dude bros now on opposite sides of a fight.  (I just hope the knife fights are a thing of the past - that is scary territory there)

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Did they both go into Dizi's bedroom?

I don't think so - but I didn't see where they went.  Ivorian's jacket is still on the couch and he didn't have a shirt so I don't think they went far.  Its probably too late to wake up Dizi though - maybe there will be a surprise in the morning awaiting her!

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I think as penance for all the uproar she caused, Petra needs to lie naked on the kitchen table and Tanya needs to go down on her until she cums. -------- twice.

Please allow Irina/Dizi to continue, where she had stopped yesterday....

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Tanya is obviously fucked up for cheating on Karen, but she's even more stupid if she thought she could actually get away with it without Karen finding out. Especially doing it multiple times.. what an idiot.

I wonder how much Karen knows too - I imagine he knows she cheated with Akira but does he know that his new pal Ivorian knew about it and helped lie for them so they could fuck without Karen knowing about it?  Azam is going to be confused as hell when he wakes up tomorrow! 

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Petra forcing Karen and Tanya into the bedroom to work through their shit. I wish we had someone that speaks the language to translate. I really want to know if Tanya is going to come clean about fucking Akira.

Damn Karen, why can't you find this site!!

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