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cams wont show on chaturbate sense upgraging to windows 10. How to fix

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Sense upgrading to windows 10 I can.t view the cam girls. It says it doesnt recognize the format.Can this be fixed?

If you are using Microsoft Edge as your Browser chances are that's why the cams are not working.

Make Internet Explorer your default browser and it should work fine or you can download a different browser. There are many to choose from.

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  • 1 month later...

I find it amazing that a company that can't make a browser work has the world mostly convinced that they have the best O/S.  :scratchchin:

From what I've read, Windows 10 can disable 'unauthorized' software or hardware, and it may also report bootleg files back to Microsoft. If you do a lot of downloading of music or movies, or you use torrenting, then you may want to be careful about upgrading. It might make sense to have two different systems. One for the less than legal activities (some OS other than Win10) and one for your regular activities (maybe Win10). Your torrenting/movie/music computer will need large hard drives and probably use a VPN to masque your activities from anybody tracking users of torrenting or file sharing services, and from your ISP. With a VPN, they will only be able to see that there is traffic going to a specific IP address out on the Internet. They will not be able to see what kind of traffic is it, or where is it's final destination. A VPN encrypts your traffic and keeps it from prying eyes.

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  • 2 months later...

..best solution is get a builders copy of Windows 7 and load it on your computer...BUT don't forget to SAVE everything you want to keep from your computer.....I transfer all my files to an external hard drive...don't use the Windows program for backing up for files provided because it sucks.... Windows 7 maybe be short lived however and there will be no other Windows operating system except the one THEY want you to use.    :puke:

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