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The Villa-New People-Stuff

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I wanted to start a new thread for new people. I want to go over what I think this site is and

what you can expect. Keep in mind VV has only been around for 7 weeks or so. It is a new site,

and its still trying to find its way.

I missed the first couple of weeks. From the pics I saw there has been at least 4 (maybe more )

people that have come and gone, that I never saw. Looks like a total different apt too.

So already it was off to a bad start. They have 2 apts now so that is good. I've said over a month

ago that there will be more apts too. That will be based on if these two apts are successful.

If you've read most posts I've tried to be a voice of reason and positivity. With some sarcastic

humor in the mix. Now onto the good stuff.

THIS IS NOT RLC.... What makes RLC charming is its unscripted content, that has many apts to

choose from. I never paid for that though, because I thought the cost was 2 high. After awhile

you get tired of the same person having sex with the same person. What I mean is watching

the same girl give a bj , its gets boring after awhile because you've seen it 20 times. So when

you see that, you think I'll go check something else out. You can always go back right? Only

one thing will keep you there, and that's if its your favorite couple or girl.

What makes VV different is the type of content they want to put out. This is just a wild guess on

my part, but I'm going to give it a shot. VV on their front page says its unscripted content. That's

false. FROM 8 PM -2 AM it is scripted in some sort of fashion. ONLY THE RUSSION SPEAKING viewer's

have an Idea of what's really happening. There have been a few of them and you can tell they are

because the English is very broken. My advice is to listen to them. Yes its hard to figure out some-


!!!!! IMPORTANT!!!!!!!

Expectations- Stuff.

Right now Tver seams to be the porn apt. Ivor, Akira and Petra live there. Akira has a GF on the

weekends. They have threesomes when Akira's GF isn't there. No one knows her name but she is

a redhead. She's cute with a nice body. The best sex in the Villa is them two. I'll call her RH for now.

Vonoezh- I'm not sure how you would classify this apt. It has Dizi, Phil , Sonia/Anna and a new guy

we don't know his name yet. Sonia is the right name for this girl. No one knew it at first so we called

her Anna. Just wanted to clear it up for newbies. To be honest no one knows what's going on in this

apt, yet its twice as popular as Tver.

Don't get to frustrated with this apt. Take everyday as it comes. See how things play out from the day-

week-month etc before. I'm starting to believe VV wants to make this a development apt. This means

that they just ask for some nudity and playfulness out on the free cams. What ever happens in the bed-

room they want to see if the sex comes organically. I've come to this conclusion because there really isn't

any sex going on. I believe this is happening because of the crap over the last month. If you want more

info on this read the 2 threads from start to finch. Pic and Video's are there as well.

The site.... The business model...

I don't know if there is another site like this. There are going to be mistakes from Administration. It

is a new site still. That being said it is a Porn site. These people in here are real. But they also have

a job to do. Think of them as Actors and VV is the casting agent. They have had some real bad actors

come though here. No one wants to see people get hurt or any violence of any kind. I bring this up

because VV is watching this 24/7. I have seen them shut down the site and remove the bad actor.

The people in the villa are in a safe environment. I also believe they have safely measures in place

to keep it that way. Hence is why you won't see any outside people in the Villa.

Lastly despite everything I just said, To keep the subscriptions up. Sex is what sells. So you might

see people from one apt having sex with others from another apt. Some really different dynamics in

that too. This is a business and the people staying there are real people, but also know when joining

a project like this, are going to be asked to have sex maybe with people they don't like. When posting

on the forums keep things I have talked about in mind. This site will drive you crazy trying to figure

it all out. That is in a nut shell of what makes VV charming.

Have fun... post often..... Try to guess what the fuck will happen next.


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Thanks for the analysis, Slapjack. You've been here a few weeks more than me. I agree with the analysis. I just don't know if I can deal with this stuff. You want to have some feelings for the people. Like I associated with Phil and then fell for Sonia like he did. I think Phil does like her for more than sex, but Sonia thinks of him as a friend. The sexual actions between them if any seem scripted. Oops, I'm ascribing feelings to them again. And I like Dizi because she seems reluctant, thus more real, but maybe she is just having a hard time with her assigned job. The others, other than redhead, I have no sympathy or feeling for. I like Sonia, but she is clearly playing a role and doing it well. The problem is, I can and do watch porn for sex, which is pure sex no feelings. So, I don't need to watch sex that acts like it is unscripted but really is scripted. I don't like being taken for a fool! I'll watch through my first month, then decide what I want to do. At least rlc is mostly real. True, it is boring mostly, although there are a few sex filled apartments with people who just enjoy sex with their true lovers. Nora's apartment was the apartment that most got hung up on because the girls were real girls, but even there was very scripted moments. I'm beginning to understand the whole voyeur movement. They are giving us what we seek, but of necessity this makes the experience fake. The true voyeur site would just have young people who like sex with each other be exhibitionists, forget about the cameras and carry on their lives as normal, only we would see it and also get nudity and sex. But this sounds like a fantasy. In other words it would be a RLC on steroids with no reluctant participants. In real life, most people even young do not have sex all the time, so it would still be fake. Oh, well, who knows?

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I wanted to start a new thread for new people. I want to go over what I think this site is and

what you can expect. Keep in mind VV has only been around for 7 weeks or so. It is a new site,

and its still trying to find its way.

Really? Only 7 weeks? Better do your research mate.

Creation Date: 25-mar-2002

This is according to whois.com.  Maybe I'm reading wrong.

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I wonder why it took so long to get it up, so to speak, if it's creation was way back in 2002?  :scratchchin:

Seems odd to me. But still more than 7 weeks.

The current apartments are quite new. And the concept has changed a bit, too. So. It is not completely wrong.

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What's even stranger is that it is all run by an outfit in Portland, OR. I'm not sure if the laws in the U.S., would allow this sort of....well....behavior!? I know that I wouldn't want my ass broadcast to the world. Nor would too many people want to see it, let alone pay for it.  :lmao:

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The current apartments are quite new. And the concept has changed a bit, too. So. It is not completely wrong.

Yeah I was talking about the current state of VV. I didn't want to get into a semantics war,

But I should have rephrased it for sure.

Bottom line there was a lot of frustration from new people thinking this was another RLC site.

I was trying to stem the hate and anger. Hope the clears up my intent.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been thinking about subscribing to VV and was wondering if the girls ever play with themselves by themselves. I've seen a couple of times where it looked like one girl has done it a couple of times but thats about it.  Is it worth the subscription?

If you only care about girls masturbating--then no. amateur-pussies.com or likewise sites are probably more up your alley.
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If you only care about girls masturbating--then no. amateur-pussies.com or likewise sites are probably more up your alley.

No my fine slithering friend, it's not all I care about but I do enjoy watching a girl get herself off when she is really into it!  I'm just saying that if it's 95% fucking, I think I'll have to pass.

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