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Zoya mono acting?? Or has she gone mad?


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Zoya has been wandering between the kitchen and the hall mirror and keep saying some dialogues (which I don't understand obviously!). Something wrong with her when no one is around?!!!

Oh my girl, ZOYA!! God save her!

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Halbadier, so I was not the only one watching that weird scene!  :) She seems so restless and doing crazy things! I knew she was a great artist (painting), but now got to see the other side of her art!!

Time will say what she is upto!!

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zoya est actrice, elle répète son rôle!!! elle le fait souvent, dans toute la maison, dans la salle de bain, dans sa chambre face au miroir, et même dans son lit en s'endormant!!! le miroir dans le hall lui permet d'affiner la gestuelle et les expressions du visage, qu'elle fera sur scène...

zoya is an actress, she repeats her role !!! it often does, to the home, in the bathroom in his room facing the mirror, and even in bed falling asleep !!! the mirror in the hall allows it refine the body language and facial expressions, she will do on stage ...

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Looked like she was rehearsing a part in a play or a show. Or even preparing herself for an audition.

We are simply not used to seeing people alone at home doing what they need to do to earn a living.

Much more interesting than watching someone doing someone 's books as an accountant!

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Corboblanc is probably correct. Many of the St. Petersburg people are friends, and most are involved in the local theatrical scene. Diana was seen many times rehearsing lines, and occasionally CC members got confused by this. Same with Lev.

And the theatrical and entertainment people of RLC are not limited just to St. Petersburg, either, as any seasoned CamCaps member knows.

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