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Voronezh - Split 1


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is anna is she drank or is it for new guy benefit, this is a girl so shy she could not cover her tits enough, so what gives she even move her hair from her tits  to expose them, some body tell me some thing earlyer that i missed, ps i wish she has a bigger tits.

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is anna is she drank or is it for new guy benefit, this is a girl so shy she could not cover her tits enough, so what gives she even move her hair from her tits  to expose them, some body tell me some thing earlyer that i missed, ps i wish she has a bigger tits.

She is not at all shy. She was topless her first day there and was told to cover up.

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Inside information - Tver or Voronezh is going to have a Japanese party. Pay attention around 21.00 by MSK time)

OK, the theme of the party is probably more there smartphones. Perhaps the remaining 20% are a real party.  :( Not more.

Well. This is really only a week day.

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OK, the theme of the party is probably more there smartphones. Perhaps the remaining 20% are a real party.  :( Not more.

Well. This is really only a week day.

Wow, do I ever agree with you. Until I watched VV I did not fully comprehend what a sickness these phones have become for young people. It is actually scary, like some sick sci-fi movie.

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OMG, I just saw the show. Do you remember when Anna used to be shy? Now she is one sexy chick. Wonder if any action with Phil tonight? Dizi seems always to stay on the periphery, not really participating. Not sure about Dizi and new guy.

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OMG, I just saw the show. Do you remember when Anna used to be shy? Now she is one sexy chick. Wonder if any action with Phil tonight? Dizi seems always to stay on the periphery, not really participating. Not sure about Dizi and new guy.

Let's hope she doesn't get bored and go seek out Ivor and cheat on you, er Phil again.

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Anna looks tired. Phil has flirted with her sensually, but she seems at odds and ends with whether to get closer to him. Honestly, Dizi seems to pay more attention to Phil. Dizi flirts shyly with Phil at times. They honestly would make a better couple than Phil and Anna. Dizi is keeping new guy at bay. Beginning to hate all the put on and manufactured stuf that vv does. No real relationships and vv just wants them to put on a skit every night. Let them go with their instincts and sexual desires, don't tell them what to do and with whom.

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