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Thoughts for the day Split #2


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Here's an amusing thought of the day -- from Ann Coulter:

You remember what a fabulous success court-ordered "desegregation" plans have been. Few failures have been more spectacular. Illiterate students knifing one another between acts of sodomy in the stairwell is just one of the many eggs that had to be broken to make the left's omelette of transferring power from states to the federal government.

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The Urbandictionary.com defines hoplophobia as "an irrational fear of weapons, generally guns, usually occurring as a result of a liberal upbringing, or the fact that the person is just a wimp in general. Rather than deal with the fear, said hoplophobe will acquire human characteristics to a weapon, i.e., "guns are evil", or "guns kill", to justify the fear, rather than deal with the core problem of being a sissy".

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After some so-called Australians burnt the Australian flag at a recent demonstration, I checked out the legalities.

In Australia, it's classified as freedom of speech. In 2006, Australian contemporary artist Azlan McLennan burnt an Australian flag and displayed it on a billboard outside the Trocadero artspace in Footscray, Victoria. He called the artpiece Proudly UnAustralian. For some reason, he's still alive.

The United States has the same standing on the issue. The Supreme Court has ruled that due to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, it is unconstitutional for a government (whether federal, state, or municipality) to prohibit the desecration of a flag, due to its status as "symbolic speech." Although the House of Representatives have regularly passed an amendment to outlaw flag desecration, it continues to fail in the Senate, the most recent by one vote on June 27, 2006, coincidently the same year our fuckwit artist produced his un-Australian art piece.

What one vote means is just one vote less than a two thirds majority, which is the minimum requirement to pass an amendment. So despite the fact that it got around 65% of the vote, it failed.

But at least the US does have it's priorities right, slowly but surely legalising marijuana, obviously trying to increase the fuckwit population even further.

I agree, but I also disagree, Oz.

I believe all drugs should be legalized and taxed the same as booze. 

I am a libertarian and I don't think the government has any role in telling us what we can and cannot do with or to our own bodies.  Thus, I'm also in favor of legalizing suicide, prostitution, gay marriage, multiple marriage, etc.  Not that I am actually in favor of any of these things.  I just don't see how it is the government's business if some nut job wants to marry his/her dog or the three folks who live next door.

You might have missed one of the best aspects of legalizing weed: potheads don't vote. Usually, they are either too high or too self-absorbed to bother (unless bud is on the ballot).  As they tend to be somewhere between very liberal to commie fuckhead on the political spectrum, it's great they they stay home on election day.

But it is a losing battle.  I've rarely seen the adult children of potheads using marijuana themselves.  For some fairly obvious reasons, then tend not to be "into" dope very much.

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Did you know that Google's search page changes when it's your birthday?

I hate quoting, but there aren't 50 pictures in the quote.

What do you mean it changes? I use Bing, not Google, so fill us noobs in please.

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Did you know that Google's search page changes when it's your birthday?

I hate quoting, but there aren't 50 pictures in the quote.

What do you mean it changes? I use Bing, not Google, so fill us noobs in please.

Well....  See.....

Goggle, the search engine, changes the way that "G O O G L E" is portrayed on the search page, right above the dialog box.  At Easter, it may have bunnies, duckies, colored eggs; if there is a solar eclipse that day, it may have the "O's" shown as party obscured, etc.  Art work.  These are called "Google Doodles."  Here is an example for the back to school season:


My point is this:  While the seasonal things are displayed for everybody, the special birthday Google doodle is only shown to Google members who are celebrating birthdays that day.  That's all.  Here is one such birthday doodle found in a Google Image Search for Google Doodle Birthday Greetings:


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