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Pictures of Nora, Rita, & Jenny Split #6

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on dirait que la blonde s'installe avec ses valises!!!

it seems that the blonde moved with his bags !!!

Oui on dirait ... c'est surement pour ca que Kristy et Kami ont devoilé leurs relation car elle vont surement faire chambre commune du coup ( enfin c'est juste une supposition car je ne sais pas ce qu'il se pas en haut )

Yes ... it looks like it's probably for AC Kristy and Kami unveiled their relationship because it will surely make common room at once (well that's just a guess because I do not know what not to top )

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On ‎2015‎-‎07‎-‎28 at 9:19 PM, Prodog said:

Looks like she might be staying for a while.

je ne serais pas étonné si la blonde prenait la chambre de kristy, et que kristy dorme avec kamila!!!!

I would not be surprised if the blonde took the chamber kristy, kristy and sleep with kamila !!!! ::)::)

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On ‎2015‎-‎07‎-‎28 at 9:22 PM, corboblanc said:



Looks like she might be staying for a while.

je ne serais pas étonné si la blonde prenait la chambre de kristy, et que kristy dorme avec kamila!!!!

I would not be surprised if the blonde took the chamber kristy, kristy and sleep with kamila !!!! ::)::)


Great idea! RLC, are you listening?

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