LindenstrassenFan Posted August 30, 2014 Posted August 30, 2014 Wisst Ihr, ich nehme schon lange nicht mehr alles so ernst was auf ww.camarades und vor allem hier im Forum vor sich geht.
Guest trixi Posted August 30, 2014 Posted August 30, 2014 Don´t let us wasting time with endless and useless discussions! Better let us find out to wich other cam side all the "nude" people from camerades go !!! 8)
Ozi Posted August 30, 2014 Posted August 30, 2014 For me, personally, your suggestion is a non-starter because I won't ever visit that site matter who asks me to. (and, frankly, J won't allow me to do so even if I wanted to) strange you know all about a site you dont and cant visit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you full of sh*t jojo and you know nothing ! I have to wonder, vision1, if you are really so unintelligent as to think my statement is strange. Perhaps you should consider that, while I won't and can't visit camarades, that doesn't mean that I haven't or never visited the site. Now, I won't say I know ALL about the site, but I will say that I know a LOT about the site and, if you've bothered to really read this thread, among others, you should know that I am perfectly capable and willing to ask questions about the site...with a resulting increase in knowledge about it. Frankly, vision1, this post of yours has only reinforced my previous suspicion that you were a crass, uncouth idiot to the point that I can just about say it is a certainty that you are a crass, uncouth idiot. I visited the site once when it was still and probably the last day it operated, because when I was bored and tried to get back a couple of days later it was gone. I only found out about the new log in details last week flicking thru unread cc posts, I found this thread. Much to my surprise, my account still worked. As for JoJo's description of the site I have to say that he described exactly what I saw, almost down to the last camera. Spooky eh? Or maybe an intelligent guess based on previous knowledge of what used to be there and how the news rules might impact. Intelligent. Look the word up vision1. And by the way, maybe you had better add Australian to your list.
Guest porfolio Posted August 30, 2014 Posted August 30, 2014 It does not work. the cached copy is old.
Guest porfolio Posted August 30, 2014 Posted August 30, 2014 In the upper right corner is written when it was made that copy
Guest porfolio Posted August 30, 2014 Posted August 30, 2014 You can not see the images of a few minutes ago
Guest vision1 Posted August 30, 2014 Posted August 30, 2014 for gods sake just join the bloody site ! stop been tight !!!!!
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