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Some thoughts about Leora and her masturbations

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First of all for me is quite amazing to see such a beautiful and sensual person as Leora.. which could he getting dick as much as she wanted, needing to masturbate ... it makes me think that even the most beautiful ladies do it, and that many of them are unsatisfied from her boyfriends.. I mean.. it is ok to masturbate.. but I think she enjoys it more than sex with Paul..

I can not get bored of watching her masturbate thinking of this.  8)

Also a few comments from her last masturbation the 11/Dic/2015 at around 15:30 her time..:

It really confirms me that she does it on purpose in a way that we can have a more clear view of her masturbation. She gets horny by knowing that she is being watched  Why?

1.She started in a position that was not favorable for us.. with her pussy torwards the mirrors but blocked by a pillow.. then she got upset of he dog and standed up.. so...

2. She she sat in the opossite direction... but the opposite direction would be a wall.. instead.. she faced her pussy torwards the camera.. this position would not be the most extremely comfortable... a straight line torwards the camera.. so we could see directly how she was "feeding" get pussy with ther wet fingers... nice Leora!! You are my hero!!!

She gets horny by being watched by us that is for sure...

Another funny thing is that a few seconds after the masturbation she was called in the phone.. I think she talked to Paul.. she was still wet and horny by the masturbation... she was still touching her tits while talking.. she was talking in a serious way,.. not romantic...so it must have been Paul.. hahaha!!Maybe he saw her masturbating in the net? haha!! who knows...

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When it comes to RLC & CC, trust nothing, doubt everything. That is the conclusion to which I have come.

The only absolutes are that this simple little girl has shelter and money from RLC, but there's still a life out there. She's just a Siberian girl, raised on promises. But she couldn't help thinking there's a better life, somewhere else. It's a big big world... (continued at Juke Box.)

Hard not to love this girl, ain't it?

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It was interesting today for a number of reasons.

She was finally alone for long enough to make use of the time.

When he left early in the day there was no hint that he'd be gone for very long as he seemed to be wearing lighter clothes and just put his jeans on over his nightwear.

Leora looked keen to get something going in the LR, but for whatever reasons couldn't get sufficiently aroused so after a while went off to the GR to do something mundane - painting the small table.

Then she was sitting at the computer desk obviously looking for more stimulating  subject matter and just as she is doing now, was intently looking at the screen, without actually touching herself much at all.

Then all of a sudden as if inspired she rushed to the GR and did not even have time to set up a good viewing spot (for us) just went for it. Then when it looked like she had finished she stood up and before we knew it, she'd sent the dog packing and closed the door.

Then she spread herself out for the final run home.

She had a very quick shower after that. I always think when she has a really long shower that she's using it to get herself off as she doesn't know any other way of doing so when he's around.

The fact that she hadn't done it for so long was not of her doing. She's always keen to do it and opportunity just hasn't been there for her for a while now. There's no way she changed her attitude or behaviour. It was simply lack of free 'me-time'.

She's the only one who knows when Paul's going to be away for long enough, and even she gets it wrong sometimes.

The danger element may have also come into play today. The later in the day the more chance of getting caught and the more excitement for her, but that's just a theory with some of us.

So, don't give up on Leora, as she still has plenty to give. When she gets the chance.

You always know that she means business when she locks the dog out!

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If she does read our comments and masturbates for us, maybe she would be so kind as to show us what she is watching.  To to get an insight to as what gets he so damn horny.  (Rearrangement of laptop screen would be awesome).

She is excited by the thought that she was being followed. Typical exhibitionist. I also noticed that when she is excited, she bites finger. Paul often when she does ask, "Do you want again?" Lol. She is constantly looking porn, I know. Because she constantly shakes  viruses Paul yells at her. :lmao:
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Leora.. if you read this you are MY HERO! LOVE YOU!! ha haha!!

Just a recommendation.. try to masturbate in a doggy position as well... we love that ass of yours so get some change..

Also as some user said put the screen of your pc to the camera so we can see the porn you are watching.. so pc torwards the camera with your ass torwards the camera and your fingers feeding your pussy would be PERFECT as well!!!

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She has had quite a lot of opportunity recently especially in the BeR when Paul has been out in the morning but I think she's just been too tired or just not horny - she has spells like this, sometimes for weeks - which brings a lie to the nymphomaniac theory. And although she is away and has been known to leave the apartment in a hurry, I don't buy the secret lover theory.

Also today showed her mixing it up as far as her masturbation which contradicts the opinion that all her bating is the same. I wonder if she thought we could see what she was doing in the mirror but sadly the answer was no thanks to the cushion. Anyway she decided to entertain us further, which I am sure we are all grateful for. And, of course, she is still pleasantly bottomless - wish there was an under the desk cam  :drool:

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She has had quite a lot of opportunity recently especially in the BeR when Paul has been out in the morning but I think she's just been too tired or just not horny - she has spells like this, sometimes for weeks - which brings a lie to the nymphomaniac theory. And although she is away and has been known to leave the apartment in a hurry, I don't buy the secret lover theory.

Also today showed her mixing it up as far as her masturbation which contradicts the opinion that all her bating is the same. I wonder if she thought we could see what she was doing in the mirror but sadly the answer was no thanks to the cushion. Anyway she decided to entertain us further, which I am sure we are all grateful for. And, of course, she is still pleasantly bottomless - wish there was an under the desk cam  :drool:

Would that be classed as 'Premium'?! If so, let's have automatic translation of conversations for those among us who are curious about what is being said.

I didn't realise she'd been alone long enough in the mornings. I always thought she stayed on the couch at night until very late and then retired to the bedroom to join him at last. But I didn't know that he went out leaving her alone there very often.

As you say not horny. Or perhaps she likes the free rooms to display her charms and guarantee more photos and videos to watch by herself later .

I'm not sure if Paul was the one who called her, I thought she made the call to someone after she'd finished, but if it was, it would show that he's as much of a voyeur as we are! Can't see that, somehow, but I think I've heard that theory once before.

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She has had quite a lot of opportunity recently especially in the BeR when Paul has been out in the morning but I think she's just been too tired or just not horny - she has spells like this, sometimes for weeks - which brings a lie to the nymphomaniac theory. And although she is away and has been known to leave the apartment in a hurry, I don't buy the secret lover theory.

Also today showed her mixing it up as far as her masturbation which contradicts the opinion that all her bating is the same. I wonder if she thought we could see what she was doing in the mirror but sadly the answer was no thanks to the cushion. Anyway she decided to entertain us further, which I am sure we are all grateful for. And, of course, she is still pleasantly bottomless - wish there was an under the desk cam  :drool:

I would also love a camera under the desk in this situation.. but not when Paul is sitting there... ha ha!!

I think that she is still horny?? she is sitting and touching her legs and area relatively near her pussy...

Possibly she has to release all of these tension now that she is finally alone... he he!!

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