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New girl Irma Split #1

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>:( >:( >:( Esta aficion a las velas empieza a joder ya

I think they were not intended to bathe by candlelight. When the bath was ready Irma asks Ilona many times to bath, but Ilona was too busy. After that she started to light up the candles. Ilona was still busy and Irma starts to bath alone, till Ilona joins.

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Would be nice if Irma could invite her boyfriend to the apartment, although not sure where he is (long distance). Then she could show us all just how she does that deep throat! Even let Ilona get some practice, lol!

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This grp of girls is a bit confusing...Irma seems to have a boyfriend but she does have the hots for Ilona...she just kept on massaging her yest..and even today in the kitchen she was staring at Ilona..and Ilona exploits that..she makes Irma setup the bath and then she leaves early letting Irma clean it after her...she knows she just has to joke with Irma and let her touch her body and then it would be enough to make her slave for the rest of the day..poor Anna...she is used and sidelined at the end of the day everytime...

a lotta ppl support Ilona here but someone like Kristy in her place would have been awesome...even Ilona seems to have a boy friend..in the morning today she was sending her photos to some guy on the phone...

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i agree and the other days irma went out with anna and she walked in to irma room and starting using her lotion like she doesnt even ask she just walks right in and uses people stuff.i liked ilona but now i dont know for me she thinks she the biggest shit i dont even think she that hot.irma just puts up with it but if it would of been some else she would of got talked to that.

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so the girls went out and ilona stayed home.wow the laptop is that important.how can she have a boyfriend when she doesnt have the time to spend with him being on her phone or laptop all day.unless her boyfriend is just a partime boyfriend.

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To me she is useless in this project. Not everyone might like anna but i think irma should turn her attention towards anna. hopefully irma will see that  the laptop and phone are more important to ilona than  they are if she hasn't already noticed that by now. i liked ilona  but now everytime i go into their apartment she is sitting there with her laptop  with her phone  next to her and she switches between them. More important  than anything and she was not right for this project. her line of work should be with  apple corporation.

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