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Latest News On Kami and Kristy

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New thread started since it has been so long since we knew anything about Kami and Kristy :

Kristy spent the holidays, along with a bunch of other young people , in a camp above the Arctic Circle and will be on her way back to civilization soon. ( What a girl !! )

Kami has kind of been confined to the Moscow area and has also spent the holidays with some friends.  Do not believe either have

any further travel plans till spring !

Rita is in London modeling and starting her own line of clothing.

That's all the latest news according to their VK and Instagram accounts !!!

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New thread started since it has been so long since we knew anything about Kami and Kristy :

Kristy spent the holidays, along with a bunch of other young people , in a camp above the Arctic Circle and will be on her way back to civilization soon. ( What a girl !! )

Kami has kind of been confined to the Moscow area and has also spent the holidays with some friends.  Do not believe either have

any further travel plans till spring !

Rita is in London modeling and starting her own line of clothing.

That's all the latest news according to their VK and Instagram accounts !!!

Thanks Slider-your information seems to be correct!
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New thread started since it has been so long since we knew anything about Kami and Kristy :

Kristy spent the holidays, along with a bunch of other young people , in a camp above the Arctic Circle and will be on her way back to civilization soon. ( What a girl !! )

Kami has kind of been confined to the Moscow area and has also spent the holidays with some friends.  Do not believe either have

any further travel plans till spring !

Rita is in London modeling and starting her own line of clothing.

That's all the latest news according to their VK and Instagram accounts !!!

je rajouterai que sofie après son tour d'Europe, est à moscou, Monica à profiter de paris, diana a formé un groupe, et surtout que alisa sera maman dans 1 semaine!!!!!

I'll add that sofie, after his tour of Europe, is in Moscow, Monica enjoying paris, diana formed a group, and especially that Alisa will mom in one week !!!!! ;) ;)

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One more comment-Kami has gotten really thin almost looks anorexic.  I do hope she is ok.

She was looking or should I say heading that direction the last stay in the apartment.  I kept thinking she was looking way to skinny, much more than her first stay in the apartment!!

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She was looking or should I say heading that direction the last stay in the apartment.  I kept thinking she was looking way to skinny, much more than her first stay in the apartment!!

  She really got thin when she went to the Red Sea resort in Egypt !!  Also got so tan , she looked like an African !

Don't know what's up with her always trying to get so thin . :shithappens:

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  She really got thin when she went to the Red Sea resort in Egypt !!  Also got so tan , she looked like an African !

Don't know what's up with her always trying to get so thin . :shithappens:

Yeah, she's not taking care of herself in my opinion.  I don't know if her darkness is from tanning beds or from the sun but she was getting to dark and skinny for my tastes.

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kristy est en arctique, au delà du cercle polaire!!! elle pose sur la banquise, avec un bélouga sauvage dans l'eau devant elle!!! oui oui, un bélouga!!!! elle est tellement couverte, que seuls ses yeux sont visibles!!!

kristy's Arctic, beyond the Arctic Circle !!! she lays on the ice, with a wild beluga whales in the water in front of her !!! yes yes, a beluga !!!! she is so covered that only her eyes are visible !!! :D :D :D

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je rajouterai que sofie après son tour d'Europe, est à moscou, Monica à profiter de paris, diana a formé un groupe, et surtout que alisa sera maman dans 1 semaine!!!!!

I'll add that sofie, after his tour of Europe, is in Moscow, Monica enjoying paris, diana formed a group, and especially that Alisa will mom in one week !!!!! ;) ;)

OMG, what? Alisa is going to be a mommy? Are you sure? She must have gotten knocked up soon after her return home. I hope she's happy and has a good guy by her side. And lol, I was just thinking of her today watching Anna caress herself on the bed naked  ;)

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OMG, what? Alisa is going to be a mommy? Are you sure? She must have gotten knocked up soon after her return home. I hope she's happy and has a good guy by her side. And lol, I was just thinking of her today watching Anna caress herself on the bed naked  ;)

oui, effectivement, alisa doit accoucher d'un jour à l'autre, ce qui fait que la date de "conception" est la même mois que sont départ, mars 2015!!! elle a fait très vite!!!

yes, Alisa to give birth one day to another, so that the date of "design" is the same month that are initially in March 2015 !!! she very quickly !!!

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