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Have they had an English speaking couple on here yet?

Guest mhughet

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Guest mhughet

I don't know any of the ones that they've retired. Do you think they ever will? Do you think they'll ever have an American couple or perhaps one from South America as well?

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They have never had an English speaking couple...though I'm sure some of the...Nora and Kiko, at least...can speak English to some degree.

Whether they ever will...according to some posts, people who have asked RLC about it have been told that they are considering it.  Myself...I don't think they will ever have an American couple...at least, not a couple in the US.  After the whole VoyeurDorm thing...and the CoffeeCam thing (or whatever it was called)...it's already been established that Americans are too prudish to allow that kind of thing to go on.

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Guest mhughet

Some places in America are prudish. They could easily do it without any issues somewhere on the west coast like California where the most socially liberal people live. Maybe the one issue they could have with Americans is that the couple on there would try to overpublicize it and make themselves into pseudo-celebrities.

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And all of the people screaming for it to be shut down would be on the edge of their seats, just beating the piss out their best buddy, and ramming things into their crotch that don't belong there. Then when it goes away, they'll be on the hunt for something else to bitch about.

People are weird.

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I don't think it would be that big of a problem. Have you noticed how many sex cams are online? Chances are you already have a few in your neighborhood.

The big problem with an apartment in the U.S. - stalkers. In a country that allows it's mentally ill roam the streets, it wouldn't be long before some sicko goes and fucks with them. Just look at the posts on here about how they want  to kick the shit out of the guys and give the girls the fucking they deserve and all the other shit. It's a good thing they all live overseas.  Of course most on here are just fantasies, but there are a few I'd worry about if they actually had access to these couples.

* the mentally ill remark refers to the sick twisted perverted fucks that are out there, not the disabled or the mentally handicapped or those that are under supervised medication. so no bleeding heart comments are needed.

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But, didn't you hear Tricky? They can be rehabilitated to lead normal lives. Jails are good places. That's what these sick bastards on these kiddy shows are teaching your children when you sit them down in front of the idiot box.

In the animal kingdom the sick and deformed are left to die. With humans we have to keep them in hospitals for their whole lives at the expense of whom? Why, US. The poor broke taxpayer. Euthanize them to put them out of their pain and misery.

As for the sick twisted perverts that prey upon old people, children and just the everyday citizen? A simple wall as a backstop and some really out of practice shots, all televised would take care of that problem.

Then we can line up the Politicians so we can have a shot at them too. Or better yet, put them on an island and let the people pay to go hunting. Just like an African Safari. He shoots, he scores.  ;D

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Guest kevinbsam7

With humans we have to keep them in hospitals for their whole lives at the expense of whom? Why, US. The poor broke taxpayer. Euthanize them to put them out of their pain and misery.

As for the sick twisted perverts that prey upon old people, children and just the everyday citizen? A simple wall as a backstop and some really out of practice shots, all televised would take care of that problem.

Er.. so on the one hand you think the sick and old should be killed to save you money, and on the other you think people who kill the sick and old should be killed for your entertainment? Seriously mate - think your arguments through and then keep your stupidity to yourself. That way you won't have to keep wiping the spittle off your computer screen.

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Ok, ok, thats enough US bashing, bitches. What pisses me off is that about 80% of all that is true. Maybe we can't handle doing this shit in the US but let me tell you something......Our government is so corrupt it needs to be flushed and is the reason why the US is looked upon so negatively and I assure you that majority of the US citizens would agree with that. First, yeah, the US has psychos, "stalker" or whatever but there are people like that everywhere in the world. There's just more of it here because our government runs our media and all we see on our news casts, tv shows, almost everything is violence. But you know what? Take out the US government here and what you'll have is cool-ass, wonderful people and I swear, I wouldn't want to live ANY where else in the world!  8)

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Oh shit, the Feds are knocking on my door now! I'm Mexican so I'll run to Mexico? Oh HELL'S no, I never learned Spanish and the Cartels will mistake me for somebody and bust out the machete on me! Canada, yeah Canada! Health care for everyone! I'm there!!!

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