serenety Posted August 8, 2014 Posted August 8, 2014 CODE YELLOW They just went out to the balcony lol... So for this couple balcony means sex from now on... :P
h3dbanga Posted August 8, 2014 Posted August 8, 2014 CODE YELLOW They just went out to the balcony lol... So for this couple balcony means sex from now on... :P After watching them for their first few days...that's what I assume every time they go out there lol.
Cho Posted August 8, 2014 Posted August 8, 2014 Never worried about them being camera shy. They are latinas which means they should be passionate and having plenty of sex. The reason Alma/Stefan didn't have sex on the balcony is that Stefan had to actually leave his computer for more than a minute leaving Alma to masturbate on her own, kind of like Roman doing now. That said I prefer them to fuck indoors unless they put cameras outside. She might not be as hot as Katya, but I have a feeling new couple will rival Anton/Alina in the bedroom. Adriana isn't Latina, she's just Spaniard. Parce que les Espagnols ne sont pas latins comme les Français et les Italiens ? Because Spaniard is not Latin like French and italian ? :) WRONG..........Spaniards are a mixture of Roman (Latins), Moors( From North Africa) and some French ! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) As ALL the neo-latin peoples. We are a mixture of Latin + jews, phoenicians, greeks, carthaginians, franks, celts, normans, visigoths, arabs, berbers, italians, fenchs and many more. Fench, italian or romanian, are the same mixture of peoples. When I say that the Italians, French and Spanish are Latin, it means that their respective languages have the same root. Do not forget that the Moors invaded Spain and southern France 500 years later ... Charles Martel stopped them in the year 732 after JC to Poitier in France. ;)
darkman Posted August 8, 2014 Posted August 8, 2014 Never worried about them being camera shy. They are latinas which means they should be passionate and having plenty of sex. The reason Alma/Stefan didn't have sex on the balcony is that Stefan had to actually leave his computer for more than a minute leaving Alma to masturbate on her own, kind of like Roman doing now. That said I prefer them to fuck indoors unless they put cameras outside. She might not be as hot as Katya, but I have a feeling new couple will rival Anton/Alina in the bedroom. Adriana isn't Latina, she's just Spaniard. Parce que les Espagnols ne sont pas latins comme les Français et les Italiens ? Because Spaniard is not Latin like French and italian ? :) WRONG..........Spaniards are a mixture of Roman (Latins), Moors( From North Africa) and some French ! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) As ALL the neo-latin peoples. We are a mixture of Latin + jews, phoenicians, greeks, carthaginians, franks, celts, normans, visigoths, arabs, berbers, italians, fenchs and many more. Fench, italian or romanian, are the same mixture of peoples. When I say that the Italians, French and Spanish are Latin, it means that their respective languages have the same root. Do not forget that the Moors invaded Spain and southern France 500 years later ... Charles Martel stopped them in the year 732 after JC to Poitier in France. ;) latino viene de latin , asi llaman los americanos a los sudamericanos de lengua española , creo que se utiliza de una forma despectiva , aqui en españa latino tambien es un sudamericano y la forma despectiva seria sudaca , soy español no me considero latino , se que por mis venas corre sangre arabe , excepto el pais vasco que esta demostrado que tienen sus propias caracteristicas geneticas que no diferentes genes solo rasgos propios , como su lengua que no proviene del latin , el resto de españa cuanto mas al sur mas mezcla y la costa mediterranea igual , las mezclas enriquecen la especie y la hacen mas fuerte , tambien los americanos son una mezcla no ? y los australianos , las razas puras no existen casi , y ademas recordemos que en la historia el creerse superior o una raza pura , no fue una gran idea .....
aladdin Posted August 8, 2014 Posted August 8, 2014 Instead of the debate about heritage etc, did anyone get a video of them having sex in bed when they woke up 2 days ago? They were both completely naked and he was down on her when I came in.
mborotnguy Posted August 9, 2014 Posted August 9, 2014 Looks like they are fucking outside now. Turned up music to block noises. Shadows visible from Living Room.
Buster Posted August 9, 2014 Posted August 9, 2014 Well at least nobody can get mad that they missed it or bombard the thread with pic/vid requests.
kitek Posted August 9, 2014 Posted August 9, 2014 First of all they didn't fuck outside and now they're gone out but left music playing and the lights in the kitchen for some reason.
gipfler Posted August 9, 2014 Posted August 9, 2014 Da ging einem die Fantasie durch. Sie haben sich nur unterhalten und dan kam ein Anruf. Adriana war bekleidet. Vielleicht etwas warten mit voreiligen Post. Nicht jedesmal Sex wenn sie auf der Terrasse.
darkman Posted August 9, 2014 Posted August 9, 2014 habían salido a la calle , no entiendo como pueden enseñar el piso a amigos , estos serán conscientes de las cámaras , yo lo primero que haría al llegar a casa seria darme de alta en rlf para ver follar a la mujer de mi amigo ( igual es que no les importa ) menudas pajas me iba a hacer . psss y no pasa nada todo normal buen royo , veo a mis amigos follando , es una cosa natural jo jo jo
TMR1 Posted August 9, 2014 Posted August 9, 2014 Looks like they are fucking outside now. Turned up music to block noises. Shadows visible from Living Room. I know these two spend a lot of time on the balcony, but that does not mean they are automatically going to have sex. if I do recall correctly, they did have a pretty good session in the bedroom a few days ago. ( I missed it, but oh well...) I'm really trying to not set off another argument... This couple seems to be VERY outdoorsy... very athletic and very healthy living. I applaud that. It is not up to us to control how they live their lives. Those of you that are paying for RLC know very well going into this that RLC is NOT a porn site, so don't expect sex every time these 2 are together... and if they DO have sex on the balcony, then switch to the kitchen cam and use your imagination. This couple is still VERY new to the cameras so you have to give them a little time to get used to being watched. I could say more, but i'm not going to.
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