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Barcelona Apt. #1 - Videos (2016)

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14 hours ago, kalevipoeg said:

I don´t know what you mean by "Polya Waste Not Want Not", but for your information: the girl with small tits who is in your video is Ilona.

Hmmm... thanks for the correction IIona then, I've always thought this chick was Polya no one has corrected me before.

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On ‎2016‎-‎08‎-‎13 at 5:24 PM, Chip2020 said:

Irma massages Polya's butt with her huge boobs. Polya loved it so much that she kissed each one of Irma's boobs afterward. Sweet!

(The Video Content is No Longer Accessible and Has Been Removed)

Any chance someone can repost this?

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2 hours ago, pensfan15 said:

Any chance someone can repost this?

The video you want was posted to the CC Attachment Center as well as a third party host.  I did that so all CC members could have access to it for at least a few days, but only Premium Members can have continued access to the Attachment Center. The third party hosts have time limits on their retention of uploaded video and are subject to DMCA takedown orders, but videos uploaded to the Attachment Center are available for years (if not indefinitely).

Pay the modest membership fee and become a Premium Member of CC pensfan15. Then you will have access to this video and other media posted by the many generous Premium Members of CC. It's definitely worth it.

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