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My Friends:

    Leora is an adult female that does everything that females her age do.

I have no idea what makes Russian girls do what they do, but whatever it is, we have no business prying into her life.

She gets out because living in a fishbowl can be a trying experience for anyone, especially when the viewers are oogling every move the poor girl makes.

Maybe she likes all-night movies and she goes there to get away from our prying eyes.

I know if there were thousands of pairs of eyes looking at me 24/7, I'd want to go and do something that people wouldn't be picking apart every little detail.

It is simply...............

                  NONE OF OUR BUSINESS, OKAY?

Just enjoy everything that she gives us and be happy with that.

All the insinuations that we make probably won't make her do anything different.

Let's not be acting like dreamy high school kids.


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My Friends:

    Leora is an adult female that does everything that females her age do.

I have no idea what makes Russian girls do what they do, but whatever it is, we have no business prying into her life.

She gets out because living in a fishbowl can be a trying experience for anyone, especially when the viewers are oogling every move the poor girl makes.

Maybe she likes all-night movies and she goes there to get away from our prying eyes.

I know if there were thousands of pairs of eyes looking at me 24/7, I'd want to go and do something that people wouldn't be picking apart every little detail.

It is simply...............

                  NONE OF OUR BUSINESS, OKAY?

Just enjoy everything that she gives us and be happy with that.

All the insinuations that we make probably won't make her do anything different.

Let's not be acting like dreamy high school kids.


Of course it's not our business, and of course whatever she is doing is likely above board - and contrary to popular belief, we're NOT trying to get her to do anything LOL. In a scenario like this, part of the "Voyeur's" enjoyment is trying to figure out what's going on. No one is accusing her of anything, but it makes for interesting discussions to speculate. No harm done, ok? It's just a discussion.

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What confuses me is they seem to sleep separately.  She's on the couch for most of the night while he's in the bedroom.  Is this 'common' in Russian households?

:lmao: No  :lmao:

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