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Tver - Split 4


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5 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

Oh wow did you hear that? Poor Katya. Thats really mean of him.

He said this leaving the room, it should be in the archive...

He must have said more as she is still crying bitterly (fully under the sheet)

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On ‎25‎.‎08‎.‎2016 at 11:22 PM, jabbath1987 said:

I fully agree but I like Katya/Elly and thats why I watch Tver.

Obviously Toss/Ruslan was adressed by VV... he is soooo nice to her, smiling, caressing...

sex of both couples in LR, full light only loud music is negative. They will never learn.

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Don't nornally watch Tver, but it popped on first. Hard not to watch Sonia go to work. Did Ivo finish? Looked like he was about to and then just gave up. He sure does have a blunted affect. His range of emotion is quite narrow. 

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