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Kamila & Kristy ~ General Chat for this Apartment May 01,2016. to May 31,2016.

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4 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Book, I just don't get attached to these girls like yourself and others do on this site and quite frankly I believe the translations that kitek & Yury provide to us and since I do believe those translations,  it's easy to see that they are a little bit on the trashy side.   This is just my opinion based off the translations that are provided.   I'm sorry that I have changed somewhat since my bad news,  I struggle with it on a daily basis and want to get back to who I used to be but I have to admit the cards are not in my favor!

Oh Harley, I am sorry to hear about whatever news you got. I won't ask about it pal.

I guess you and book go back a long way.

I am a comparative neophyte compared to you two. Although you couldn't tell based on how many posts I have made.

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4 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

It's just my opinion Eric which is solely based on what I have seen in my 56 years of life.   Girls her age that are fucking guys almost 3 times older than her are a little on the trashy side of things in my opinion.   I'm not trying to or even going to argue or get into allot of discussion about it.....it's just how I feel about it!

Wait, Harley. If I am not mistaken, Kristy's ex is her age and Kami's is only a little older. Are you talking about Elisa's bf?

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4 hours ago, ericjeanjean said:

It's one problem with the translations since they often lack context people often read into them what they want to see.

However since we're talking about Kristy according to Kitek :

  • She did not have sex for more than two month before the night in that hotel with the ex
  • She did not have sex in Thailand
  • She did not have sex with her ex when he spent the night

Even if we assume that that she probably fucked her ex again this week-end her sex life seems uneventful for a single 22yo girl.

Not that it matters anyway she's an adult she can fuck whoever she wants whenever she wants it would not make her "trashy" as you put it.

So,if girls have sex they are trashy and tramps, but if guys have it they are studs????? Seems a little hypocritical I think.

I have an idea. The next time a guy calls a girl a tramp because she has sex, girls should refuse to have sex with that guy. See how that feels.

And Kristy does not have sex that often.

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All in all it was a fairly good weekend, especially for the slight drought we were having from all apts. We lost Carlo and Maria, Vanessa is still a little shy in the apt. Kam and Kris were not present. Today, Kris was awesome and we did get to see our Rock Star Kam. (who sleeping wildly, so she is a love to watch). Bogdan gave Nelly some business in the free view. Leora and Paul actually had a good session, even Rita not showing a lot but was at least being sexy especially cleaning the whole flat in a two piece. For those who pay, it calmed us down a little. Of course we will be mad by Tuesday, particular for me because its the only time for me to participate

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Just now, kenny1940 said:

All in all today was a fairly good weekend, especially for the slight drought we were having from all apts. We lost Carlo and Maria, Vanessa is still a little shy in the apt. Kam and Kris were not present. Today, Kris was awesome and we did get to see our Rock Star Kam. (who sleeping wildly, so she is a love to watch). Bogdan gave Nelly some business in the free view. Leora and Paul actually had a good session, even Rita not showing a lot but was at least being sexy especially cleaning the whole flat in a two piece. For those who pay, it calmed us down a little. Of course we will be mad by Tuesday

Maybe Monday.

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