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Where are the Girls and What are they doing now ? ~ Part #2

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It's close to 09:00 Kamila is still up, still focused on her phone sitting against the headboard both legs up and closed. Topless, no good camera shots. and as I was typing, she had a one minute full breast exposed before covering up and rolling over to sleep.

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12 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

Creo Kamila ha adquirido una nueva profesión con la ausencia del pájaro carpintero, ella duerme todo el día y toda la noche partes. Me pregunto es que ella sabe Danaya y Adele?

chica Profesional partido :biggrin::biggrin:

" Vida real " amigo, la que tienen estas dos " Top-models ", pero claro, siempre fuera del apartamento, o todavía no te distes cuenta para que utilizan este apartamento?, si amigo, para descansar, higiene, comida, y lo mas importante, para reírse-burlarse de todos los abonados que les estamos pagando este apartamento mientras la verdadera vida real esta fuera del apartamento.

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19:30 Kamila up in living room, white shirt, blue short pants nothing special nothing revealing. food delivered from her favorite place. Kristy not home. her day is getting started at 7 at night. She is scarfing down that food. hungry today.

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1 hour ago, Thestarider said:

I think Kamila has taken on a new profession with the absence of the WOODPECKER, she sleeps all day and parties all night. I wonder is she knows Danaya and Adele ?

Professional party girl :biggrin::biggrin:

I'm sure she does..............all these girls are tied together RLC and their modeling agencies !

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