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If RLC has any hope of saving this apartment and the popularity of the 2 girls, they are going to have to open at least 1 free room for new viewers and non-premium members !  The drop in popularity of the girls is directly related to the fact that they can only be seen by Premium Members !   ( I don't know how many new subscribers the girls are pulling in..........but my guess is very little based on the popularity voting ! )  Open up RLC and you will have more success .  People will not pay for something they cannot sample first !

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1 hour ago, Solembum said:

BooHoo! Pay up or go away

Mr Solembum......I personally think you are an RLC planted spy here on CC .  Going by your profile, you have made very few comments in your 2 1/2 year association with CC.  Looking through your comments, other members have thought the same thing about you.  Now, why would someone with Premium access on RLC even join a forum like CC and then never even comment . It certainly is not to see the pics in the Premium area,  because you have full access to that area or you would not be telling other members to PAY UP or GO AWAY when they criticize RLC .  Your even afraid or ashamed to state your Gender or location on your profile !!  So please,  COMRADE...................keep your comments to yourself,  and stop trying to get members to pay for RLC Premium services !    Thank You !   

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7 hours ago, slider_69 said:

If RLC has any hope of saving this apartment and the popularity of the 2 girls, they are going to have to open at least 1 free room for new viewers and non-premium members !  The drop in popularity of the girls is directly related to the fact that they can only be seen by Premium Members !   ( I don't know how many new subscribers the girls are pulling in..........but my guess is very little based on the popularity voting ! )  Open up RLC and you will have more success .  People will not pay for something they cannot sample first !


K&K are still two very nice and good looking girls, but there popularity is almost gone. ... They make this apartment a place of depression, by keep almost all of their life outside. 

Sure, i can understand that Kristy will not invite her new BF* to this apartment. She would need to explain all the cameras and that could scare away even the most understanding man. .. The result is an almost always at least half empty apartment. ... Ok than. At least Kamila is there a lot lately. ...  But also she prefers to visit her BF outside of the apartment and in the rare occasions that he visited her, he normaly falls asleep almost immediately after entering the apartment. ... That would be quite nice, if the reason for this would be the enthusiastic and open sex the two have in front of the cameras, but they only had real sex in this apartment for one time in half a year. ... He simply has the talent to make this apartment even more boring as with just kamila there alone. Depressing.

Free cameras are no solution as long as thecast is boring to death. The only modifications that can help this apartment are a clarifying conversation between K&K and RLC  resulting in some clear impovements or a replacement of the cast. This time maybe with both parts of the couple in contract.

*) Information based on the translations and the frequent absence even overnight.


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11 minutes ago, Solembum said:

Male. Chicago, Illinois. Just dont like violence or manipulation (physical or mental) towards women, and fit girls getting fat! Dont hate!

Your original comment was :    "  Pay up or  Go Away " .   This explanation doesn't fit your comment,  Comrade !!

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