bubbleobill Posted November 17, 2015 Posted November 17, 2015 Fortunately for us her heart is in the right place and we can quickly get to the heart of the matter! Her super-resilient undies' elastic has probably already been patented as Paul-Proof to deny any risk from pre-emptive attacks!
doudouil Posted November 17, 2015 Posted November 17, 2015 This really is the con that the earth have worn
cardone6161 Posted November 17, 2015 Posted November 17, 2015 This is my first post so bare with me. User hooohoooooo was asking how tall Leora is so I wanted to respond with a picture. I didn't want to post the picture where pictures are not allowed( I think) so I'm responding here. Anyways, I figured to determine her heighth, I used the floor tiles as a measuring tool. I did some adjustments here and there, keeping the aspect ratio of the pic pasted of the tile the same as the original. Also assuming that the floor tile in Russia has the same measurement as 12 inch tiles here in the US. This is what I came up with. As for her weight, TMR1 says 105 lbs, but I'm going to guess an even 100 lbs. That is all for now. So what height did you come up with?
gocalf Posted November 17, 2015 Posted November 17, 2015 deliciosos sueños: (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
redthonglover Posted November 18, 2015 Posted November 18, 2015 (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
DARKJOKER666 Posted November 18, 2015 Posted November 18, 2015 So Leora and Paul were laying on the couch. Paul on top of Leora and he started rubbing his hand up and down her inner thigh. Always a good start. Then he covered her pelvis with his hand and used his index finger to tickle her clit. A little aggressive but to be honest it IS Leora and I may have a lack of self control too. He then pushed his hand up her stomach and cupped her breast over her shirt. He leaned in and she kissed him on the forehead, he turned his head and she kissed his cheek, he turned his head to face her and she kissed the tip of his nose. His hands then wondered down to her thighs again, caressing them. They softly exchanged words, he leaned over kissed her nipple, then suddenly stood up walked over to the table and sat down and started eating. Leora fucking EXPLODED on him. She was going off hardcore, yelling and gesturing wildly. She stood up and walked into the kitchen still yelling and turned the coffee pot back on. Paul stands up and grabs her from behind wrapping his arms around her. She tried to pull away from him but he held her tight. He finally let go and smacked her on the asscheek. The look she gave him could have killed a fucking elephant. He laughed and smacked her ass again then walked off to his desk. She started yelling again, sat down on the couch in a huff and said what I think was english "Fuck! This!" it sounded exactly like it. She grabbed her phone and walked quickly walked to the bathroom. Slammed the door and you heard it click as she locked it. Paul didn't even respond. What a fuckwad man. HOW DO YOU SCREW THAT SHIT UP SO BADLY?!
DARKJOKER666 Posted November 18, 2015 Posted November 18, 2015 As of right now you can hear them arguing in the bedroom so loudly that Scooter is freaking out barking and running all over the house.
kraljski Posted November 18, 2015 Posted November 18, 2015 ass hole Paul, soldering rather than loving Leora. You will kill me better (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
donaldbrown Posted November 18, 2015 Posted November 18, 2015 (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed). Nice thigh gap
scooter mcgruder Posted November 18, 2015 Posted November 18, 2015 Old boyfriend helping her fix her new boyfriend!
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