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Leora & Paul Pictures - Split #1

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  • 2 weeks later...

ohh, beautiful nurse!

(The Facebook link is no longer accessible and has been removed).

she is pretty

I wish the apartment had better quality cameras.

Do you know other participants who are on facebook?

I know, girls rlc have been identified are: nastya (with viktoria and many guests) and angela. must delve into camcaps for solutions! leora opened a facebook for voyeur rlc, but is not identified. I also found "varya" which is now in the archives.

(The Archives have been cleaned and any links that have identified Tenants present/past have been removed).

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Oh dear, more of this depressing chat about stalking and naming these poor RLC tenants. I fear that CC is being overwhelmed by the lowest class of society, only interested in the acquisiton of spurious information and pointless tittle-tattle gleaned from bogus social media sites. If only there was someone of real integrity, who could explore properly and discreetly.

Corboblanc, my dear chap, please do get your head out of your nether regions and return to reality. These RLC tenants are so much more intelligent and careful than you can ever imagine....don't waste your time. Grow potatoes or something more useful and purposeful.

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