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Leora & Paul Pictures - Split #1

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wow Mod, can you start a separate thread where people can beg for videos? It is getting quite annoying.

most ppl have to work and havent the time to monitor rlc 24 hrs a day.i suggest you get a life

I am barely on RLC, actually I just check out camcaps most of the time when I am free at work. I do have a life, and like to get on to see what people are sharing and bullshit with some of the old timers. I do not like however getting on and seeing 300 post of just people begging for videos. It is getting to the point where I am not even visiting most of the these threads.

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If her only closing her VK account is the only thing that happens from people posting her personal stuff here, then I'd say you Leora lovers got off light, although if anything else was to happen from it, it'd be 100% justified in my opinion. I've said this before the last time this shit happens and I'll say this shit again nothing good can come from posting those kinds of pictures here. If you're so compelled to scrounge the internet for her (or any of the tenants) personal information, the absolute VERY fucking least you can do is not post the shit here.

Apparently you people won't be satisfied until they decide to leave because people can't understand that posting their personal shit is creepy as all fuck.

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Anything posted publicly on the internet is public. We all know that.

I am surprised that anyone who is a tenant at RLC would expect privacy if they post publicly on FB, VK, or YouTube. In fact, they are all well aware that they are hanging out their laundry for all to see.

I suspect that they are doing this for publicity. They open accounts; they close them. I think they're just having some fun with us. But there is simply no way that tenants would post publicly, especially with their stage names, unless they were trying to build up their fan base. They are not stupid.

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