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Leora & Paul Pictures - Split #1

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The Church of Foamy believes that Wine, Women and Song are the only useful universal languages, and that Politics and Religion are universally a pain in the ass. So, Cho2vant, which of the tenants is your favorite?

Pour une fois, je partage ta vision sur le vin les femmes et la musique et il faut bien reconnaître que la politique mondiale n'est pas enthousiasmante ces derniers temps. Il faut pourtant s'y intéresser et voter car c'est là notre seul pouvoir sinon, le monde se fera sans nous.


For once, I share your view on wine women and music and we must recognize that global politics is not exciting lately. But we must be interested and vote because this is our only power without which the world continues without us.  :-\

The wine I drunk last monday. Unfortunatly alone... "Chateau Viramière" St Emilion 1975  ;)

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yo creo que si compartiera esa botella del 1975 con alguna dama de rlf , podria usted saborear algo mas que el gusto del vino .

Crec que vostè podria preguntar Diana per compartir el meu vidre ? Mai he vist Ambystoma beure vi Leora.


Do you think I could ask Diana to share my glass ? I never saw Leora drinking wine.  ;)

yo creo que si usted invita a diana a una buena copa de vino frances , o champañe aussi , con un buen foie , un buen magret de pato , unas trufas , todo esto a la luz de la luna en una playa del sur de francia , cap d´age seria una buena opcion , tiene usted la mitad ganado.

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Do you think I could ask Diana to share my glass ? I never saw Leora drinking wine.  ;)

Looks delicious, Cho2vant. I apologize for not having been there to share it with you.  :D

I think I have seen Leora drink wine on only a few occasions. Nora & Kiko were the wine drinkers in the RLC crowd. Perhaps the black white-striped cat and other Leora's lovers will tell us about her preferred drink...


L'air délicieux, Cho2vant. Je suis désolé de ne pas avoir été là pour la partager avec vous. : D

  Je pense que je l'ai vu boire du vin Leora sur quelques occasions. Nora & Kiko étaient les buveurs de vin dans la foule de RLC. Peut-être le chat blanc rayé noir et autres amateurs de Leora vont nous parler de sa boisson préférée ...

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Do you think I could ask Diana to share my glass ? I never saw Leora drinking wine.  ;)

Looks delicious, Cho2vant. I apologize for not having been there to share it with you.  :D

I think I have seen Leora drink wine on only a few occasions. Nora & Kiko were the wine drinkers in the RLC crowd. Perhaps the black white-striped cat and other Leora's lovers will tell us about her preferred drink...


L'air délicieux, Cho2vant. Je suis désolé de ne pas avoir été là pour la partager avec vous. : D

  Je pense que je l'ai vu boire du vin Leora sur quelques occasions. Nora & Kiko étaient les buveurs de vin dans la foule de RLC. Peut-être le chat blanc rayé noir et autres amateurs de Leora vont nous parler de sa boisson préférée ...

Yes she has drank wine on few occasions usually when she had her girlfriends over. Normally she drinks an herbal tea or coke on occasionally. Also they just got a juicer about a month ago.

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The photos do not seem to last very long on here. It's a shame really.

That is because people upload them to places where the sysops are easily intimidated by a copyright C&D letter.  There are, however, other places who don't care and will keep pictures up until they get a message/letter from the district attorney.  While I don't ever post RLC photos or video, I can attest to the fact that it easily can be done.  Some places will host anything that is not obscene or kiddie porn. 

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The photos do not seem to last very long on here. It's a shame really.

That is because people upload them to places where the sysops are easily intimidated by a copyright C&D letter.  There are, however, other places who don't care and will keep pictures up until they get a message/letter from the district attorney.  While I don't ever post RLC photos or video, I can attest to the fact that it easily can be done.  Some places will host anything that is not obscene or kiddie porn.

https://depositfiles.com/ for instance never seem to delete anything.

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