van the man Posted September 7, 2014 Posted September 7, 2014 Europe will not go to war over an argument between two Russian states! In fact with the way Europe is developing Russia will be more of a democracy then the EU. They simply impose everything they want to impose. They almost never give us a vote and when they do the countries asked to vote reject the EU. Those countries are told to go away and vote again until they vote the way our 'leaders' want. Europe is developing into a Soviet Bloc. The UK saved Europe from Fascism and German domination. It now needs to lead the exit from the EU to save Europe from undemocratic bureaucrats. Europe is a spineless group of countries who will not dare go to war with Russia. They are sitting on the gravy train, eating and drinking their cocktails while 25 million Europeans remain unemployed and youth unemployment in particular remains scandalously high. Putin knows the useless fuckers will only pretend to be tough. He will do what he wants, when he wants.
woodworker Posted September 7, 2014 Posted September 7, 2014 When you have nothing but liberal sissy's running most of the countries in Europe, what would you expect. They couldn't even keep the infestation of murderous Muslims out of their own countries. Wouldn't want to seem to be so unfair to them,.. so politically incorrect and all. And as old Walter Cronkite would have said, "And that's the way it is."
Cho Posted September 7, 2014 Posted September 7, 2014 I love your assumptions guys ;) but I fear that the global political chessboard is a little more complex as you tell. Please, stop the cartoons. Remember that in Europe, the death penalty no longer exists and that the separation of church and state is a symbol of democracy. How long the States of America have developed to federate ? As for emigration, do you want to talk about Mexican immigration ? Emigration is a problem related to geographical proximity, unemployment and poverty. Would you also like to talk about the origin of the last trading crak with economic and human consequences in your country and globally. Are not you part of the cause of the economic problems of Europe ? So for moral lessons, put your own house in order. :D
van the man Posted September 7, 2014 Posted September 7, 2014 It is not the fault of our countries that we have become more civilised and wealthy than all the others. The wealth and rule of law attracts huge numbers of people who want a better life. Nothing wrong with that except letting everyone freely enter will destroy the wealth and rule of law that makes us so attractive! Europe need to explain to the UK who so called Asylum Seekers only want to seek asylum in the UK? If they reach a safe country then that is it. They are saved! But no they want to come to the UK because we give them free everything - free housing, free schools, free health treatment, free money. In return they create a ghetto of their own kind and exclude we Brits. The evil ones then plot to destroy our way of life. Other countries in Europe just want these people to pass through their countries and get to the UK. France, as usual, don't give a shit about any other country. They just want rid of the immigrants. Hence they build places like Sangatte. The French are the most selfish nation state in the world. They set up the EU (it wasn't called that originally but hey ho!) with Germany to stop them invading for a third time. They created the Common Agricultural Policy to protect their useless, inefficient farmers. This now consumes over 70% of the EU budget and impoverishes third world farmers who can't compete with subsidised food. The budget then can't be spent making the industrial heartlands work better to increase prosperity. They insist the whole EU government moves every week from Brussels to Strasbourg for no other reason than it makes money for France! They claim to be the second wealthiest country in the EU but contribute nothing to the EU budget. Guess who pays- the UK and Germany. That's it no other fucking wealthy country in the EU contributes. Then in the middle of the worst recession since the 1930's the French decide they want to increase the EU budget whilst the stupid Socialist government of France led by the womaniser Hollande tries to spend more money it doesn't have to prop up their failing economy. They prevent free markets by for example declaring a maker of yogurt is of vital national security that it can't be taken over yet buy up the UK water and energy industries! France is full of beautiful people. It is a beautiful country, has a wonderful climate, great food and tasty wine but their government absolutely stinks and is totally selfish and corrupt. They hate the UK because we are far more successful than them. Oh and we win wars on their behalf! They started the EU to stop Germany from ruling them and have ended up being told by the Germans what budgets they can spend and who they can trade with!!!! I love the French people but hate their government. Oh and you might guess but I have the EU and everything it stands for and every fucking stupid decision it has ever made that has helped create an Economic and Human tragedy. Meantime the UK and the US have the fastest growing modern economises in the world. We just don't need any more immigrants!!!
Cho Posted September 8, 2014 Posted September 8, 2014 It is not the fault of our countries that we have become more civilised and wealthy than all the others. ........... ..................................................................................... ................We just don't need any more immigrants!!! Cannot find anything about Leora here, not to speak about her picture. If only I knew how right I was when I wrote that you were convinced of your words. I will therefore avoid responding, it would be too long and boring. Also I would do it in my language to be precise and it would probably be poorly viewed. A last word however relative to Europe. Nobody prevents the United Kingdom not to join because it must be recognized that you want the benefits of the European system, but not the disadvantages... Come back to Leora's ass :D
Ozi Posted September 8, 2014 Posted September 8, 2014 It is not the fault of our countries that we have become more civilised and wealthy than all the others. ........... ..................................................................................... ................We just don't need any more immigrants!!! Cannot find anything about Leora here, not to speak about her picture. If only I knew how right I was when I wrote that you were convinced of your words. I will therefore avoid responding, it would be too long and boring. Also I would do it in my language to be precise and it would probably be poorly viewed. A last word however relative to Europe. Nobody prevents the United Kingdom not to join because it must be recognized that you want the benefits of the European system, but not the disadvantages... Come back to Leora's ass :D WHAT BENEFITS? Charles de Gaulle hated the British but was their best ally even though they (we) didn't know it, because he kept the UK out of the EEC for years.
Cho Posted September 8, 2014 Posted September 8, 2014 It is not the fault of our countries that we have become more civilised and wealthy than all the others. ........... ..................................................................................... ................We just don't need any more immigrants!!! Cannot find anything about Leora here, not to speak about her picture. If only I knew how right I was when I wrote that you were convinced of your words. I will therefore avoid responding, it would be too long and boring. Also I would do it in my language to be precise and it would probably be poorly viewed. A last word however relative to Europe. Nobody prevents the United Kingdom not to join because it must be recognized that you want the benefits of the European system, but not the disadvantages...Come back to Leora's ass :D WHAT BENEFITS? Charles de Gaulle hated the British but was their best ally even though they (we) didn't know it, because he kept the UK out of the EEC for years. He did not hate the British, he accused Churchill having worked for he does not participate in the Yalta agreement where Roosevelt, Stalin, and him shared the world. No wonder De Gaulle himself gave tit for tat in the creation of EU as "perfidious Albion" (England) felt so good with american allies. As for your analysis, it is seen from inside. Europeans have a different look.
van the man Posted September 8, 2014 Posted September 8, 2014 De Gaulle spent the whole of the war in the UK. His contribution to the 2nd World War was ZERO yet he marched into Paris as the hero. He hated the Brits because he had to rely on the UK to save France!!!! If Hollande carries on the way he is, France will be the ones to leave the EU. He will bankrupt France. Germany will insist they slash their spending and Hollande will have to be removed. Hollande is like all socialists. He likes to spend money he hasn't earned or hasn't got and then get others to pay! When will France and Italy realise that the Euro project ONLY benefits Germany. Germany are super efficient compared to every other EU country and the Euro prevents other nations adjusting their costs Germany now totally nominate Europe. If only Hitler had realised that economics is far more powerful than guns!!!!
essorsar Posted September 8, 2014 Posted September 8, 2014 Qu'est-ce que ces conneries viennent foutre dans ce chapitre consacré aux photos de Léora et Paul ? Ces inepties d'un âne qui ne connaît de l'histoire que ce qu'il a lu sur Wikipédia n'ont rien à faire ici, que De Gaulle soit anti-Britannique est une évidence comme l'étaient 95 % des Européens continentaux, pour des raisons profondes et pas toujours logiques. Ensuite, glorifier l'Allemagne qui ne se développent que parce qu'elle a retenu pour salaire de base que ce qu'offaient les Pays de l'ESt illustre le propos nul d'un individu inculte qui n'a rien à faire ici. Dehors !
selfshoot Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 (The Images associated with this comment are no longer accessible and have been removed).
just4girl27 Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 What Amazing ASS!! :P (The Image links are no longer accessible and have been removed).
Guest BurakYilmaz Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 Papa bear Germany is telling baby girl France to stop racking up his credit card credit card. France is like noo daddy pleaasee lol
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