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It seems to me that there is too much anger on here at times.

No anger here just a fun ribbing as we say all in fun. Cho2vant knows I only joke no one will like all couples, he doesn't care much for Leora and I except that.

I thinkiit's a male thing.    ;D


Only the ass lovers of Leora are delighted to be here, looking during long hours as she brushes her hairs, as she admires herself in the mirror, as she turns around the apartment... But those ones say "she is a very intelligent person, working in the medical environment". You'll make your own mind up quickly, I'm sure...  :)

Welcome among us lovely Lady and if you effectively can "respect the trees" for the planet, you aren 't obliged to "obey" the squirrel.  :-D

Please notice that the above robot Cho2vant does not properly tithe to the Church of Foamy, he is therefore a heretic, and notice that he does not have a fluffy tail, loving arms, or penis, and he can't even breed. He's a robot. I'm thinking of chewing up his wiring, emptying his bird feeder, trashing his attic, and asking Pepe to take revenge on this insult to our beloved goddess Leora...  :D :D :D (cheesy smile)  ;)

Just because she does not have hairy legs and armpits like most French women does not mean she's not intelligent.

She's very bright indeed and yes she is in the medical field. You must be blind as you can not see past the little boy in apartment 7

who you think is classy. I don't think you would know classy if it bit you on the ass but then again you are only a robot.

I am unleashing the squirrel to chew up your wiring and trash your attic then I'm gonna spray down with my perfume.  :)  :D ;D

Mon cher écureuil, je ne suis pas de ta paroisse en effet ni d'aucune autre d'ailleurs, trop attaché aux valeurs républicaines et laïques. Je crains malheureusement que ta religion consistant à déguster un cognac millésimé ou un

vieux whisky n'ait brûlé quelques neurones, ceux là mêmes qui font la différence entre une dinde et une infirmère, voire une nurse comme je l'ai déjà lu ici. Par ailleurs, j'invite ce nouveaux cow-boy de Pépé à descendre de son cheval et prendre l'avion pour venir constater que les françaises s'épilent régulièrement les jambes et les aisselles, voire même ailleurs et que chaque jour elles se lavent et se parfument - celles que je côtoie en tous cas -. Votre Leora chérie peut donc aller se rhabiller d'autant qu'en plus de l'intelligence, elle manque singulièrement de classe. Tout ce qu'elle sait faire, c'est tourner du croupion... Une dinde vous dis-je, une petite dinde.


Dear squirrel, I'm not speaking on your own behalf or anyone else, very closed to Republican(*) and secular values.

Unfortunately, I fear that your religion, involving to taste a vintage cognac or an old whisky burned down a few neurons, those that make the difference between a goose and a nurse as I already read here. Moreover, I invite this new gentle cowboy of Pepe to get down from his horse and take a plane to come and observe that the French women wax regularly her legs and underarms or elsewhere and, that every day they wash and use perfume (those I rub shoulders with).

Your beloved Leora can screw, as for intelligence she is singularly lacking class. All she can do is turning butt... A goose, I tell you, a small goose.

This dirty robot is inhuman !  :o

(*) In France "Republican values" doesn't mean conservative but liberal... ;)


Unfortunately, I fear that your religion, involving to taste a vintage cognac or an old whisky burned down a few neurons, those that make the difference between a goose and a nurse as I already read here.

The Church of Foamy believes that Wine, Women and Song are the only useful universal languages, and that Politics and Religion are universally a pain in the ass. So, Cho2vant, which of the tenants is your favorite?

L'Eglise de mousseux estime que Wine, Women and Song sont les seules langues universelles utiles, et que la politique et la religion sont universellement une douleur dans le cul. Donc, Cho2vant, qui des locataires est votre favori?


The Church of Foamy believes that Wine, Women and Song are the only useful universal languages...

I agree with song/music. I'm not much of a wine drinker and women are merely good for eye candy at a distance.

Guest Miss Rowena Spade

The photos do not seem to last very long on here. It's a shame really.


The Church of Foamy believes that Wine, Women and Song are the only useful universal languages, and that Politics and Religion are universally a pain in the ass. So, Cho2vant, which of the tenants is your favorite?

Pour une fois, je partage ta vision sur le vin les femmes et la musique et il faut bien reconnaître que la politique mondiale n'est pas enthousiasmante ces derniers temps. Il faut pourtant s'y intéresser et voter car c'est là notre seul pouvoir sinon, le monde se fera sans nous.


For once, I share your view on wine women and music and we must recognize that global politics is not exciting lately. But we must be interested and vote because this is our only power without which the world continues without us.  :-\

The wine I drunk last monday. Unfortunatly alone... "Chateau Viramière" St Emilion 1975  ;)

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The Church of Foamy believes that Wine, Women and Song are the only useful universal languages, and that Politics and Religion are universally a pain in the ass. So, Cho2vant, which of the tenants is your favorite?

Pour une fois, je partage ta vision sur le vin les femmes et la musique et il faut bien reconnaître que la politique mondiale n'est pas enthousiasmante ces derniers temps. Il faut pourtant s'y intéresser et voter car c'est là notre seul pouvoir sinon, le monde se fera sans nous.


For once, I share your view on wine women and music and we must recognize that global politics is not exciting lately. But we must be interested and vote because this is our only power without which the world continues without us.  :-\

The wine I drunk last monday. Unfortunatly alone... "Chateau Viramière" St Emilion 1975  ;)

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yo creo que si compartiera esa botella del 1975 con alguna dama de rlf , podria usted saborear algo mas que el gusto del vino .


The Church of Foamy believes that Wine, Women and Song are the only useful universal languages, and that Politics and Religion are universally a pain in the ass. So, Cho2vant, which of the tenants is your favorite?

Pour une fois, je partage ta vision sur le vin les femmes et la musique et il faut bien reconnaître que la politique mondiale n'est pas enthousiasmante ces derniers temps. Il faut pourtant s'y intéresser et voter car c'est là notre seul pouvoir sinon, le monde se fera sans nous.


For once, I share your view on wine women and music and we must recognize that global politics is not exciting lately. But we must be interested and vote because this is our only power without which the world continues without us.  :-\

The wine I drunk last monday. Unfortunatly alone... "Chateau Viramière" St Emilion 1975  ;)

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yo creo que si compartiera esa botella del 1975 con alguna dama de rlf , podria usted saborear algo mas que el gusto del vino .

Crec que vostè podria preguntar Diana per compartir el meu vidre ? Mai he vist Ambystoma beure vi Leora.


Do you think I could ask Diana to share my glass ? I never saw Leora drinking wine.  ;)

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