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Alina & Anton Pictures - Split #1

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You know they say that there is someone as a perfect match for everyone in this world, and when I watch this last GIF from SanPer58 it made me think of Frodo Baggins from Lord of the Rings.

Now before everyone jumps down my throat I am not being nasty our disrespectful towards this young lady it is just seeing her in this camera angle that made Frodo Baggins jump to mind.

And just for the record I really liked Frodo in the movie. 

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Alina's birthday? Alina went out and one of the bigger girls came in and put balloons by the TV and a present. The writing is in Russian but it is two words so I am assuming it is Happy Bday. So maybe some hot action tonight

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Alina's birthday? Alina went out and one of the bigger girls came in and put balloons by the TV and a present. The writing is in Russian but it is two words so I am assuming it is Happy Bday. So maybe some hot action tonight

As long as they don't get drunk.  Alcohol and Alina is not a very good recipe.
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