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The house, the better three or four girls?

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Looking for your opinion, and thinking it would be better for the stay of the girls and the show is older, so our enjoyment, I want to know you think about the question.
It is for information purposes and is not a survey that has nothing to do with RLC nor this page.

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Empiezo dando la mía, personalmente me gustan más lo números pares que los impares. Sé que la casa, es un poco pequeña para que vivan cuatro personas, pero también es cierto, y desde mí punto de vista, que una cama de matrimonio, para una de ellas, es un espacio desaprovechado. Y no siempre se van a dar fiestas, como se daban cuando estaba Lola, en la que se llegaron a meter más de 5 chicas a la vez... eso no es lo normal.

Comprendo también, que es un gasto mayor mantener a 4 chicas que a 3, pero el reclamo también es mayor para los clientes. Cuatro chicas, dan mucho más juego que tres, cierto?

Así que sin ponerme pesado, defiendo la postura de que hubiese 4 chicas en la casa.

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The question is not the quantity but the quality. I'm sure many would not complain even if the house was packed with 10 girls or more as long as they fulfil all their fantasies.

3 or 4 does not make a huge difference, one girl having to share a room is not an issue for us. I assume it's more a problem for the girls having to do it. I they don't mind about it and are getting along very well, all is good.


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1 hour ago, smurfy08 said:

The question is not the quantity but the quality. I'm sure many would not complain even if the house was packed with 10 girls or more as long as they fulfil all their fantasies.

3 or 4 does not make a huge difference, one girl having to share a room is not an issue for us. I assume it's more a problem for the girls having to do it. I they don't mind about it and are getting along very well, all is good.


There is only 3 Bedrooms so there should only be 3 Girls assigned to it. Same as Barca #1 3 Bedrooms,  3 Girls.

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17 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

There is only 3 Bedrooms so there should only be 3 Girls assigned to it. Same as Barca #1 3 Bedrooms,  3 Girls.

With the 3 girls they have now it is clearly working. All 3 are comfortable being naked around the house in front of the others. BFs may restrict what they do but to me 3 girls in 3 beds means 3 chances of nocturnal action, 4 tends to mean 2 chances. Just imagine this and for obvious reasons it might not have happened but should 1 girl have had access to happy juice, then plenty of alcohol could have led to that same Megan, Rebecca, Belle scenario with no-one to stop them them,. or barring social media, a repeat. Megan certainly (and I think possibly Rebecca) did not like the fact that Dima was there that night (yes but for him etc. is the argument) and possibly too many other girls. My Belle is very particular who she lets near her pussy and these current 2 I know she would. Add an extra person and the chance of anything happening has probably gone from slim to none.

And if one of them brought a bloke back - My Belle being the only current candidate and she's not going out at the moment so this is unlikely with these 3 - it is obviously much easier for the 2 girls who share.

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Actually right now because of the age of these girls we have possibly the closest approximation to a student flat that we have ever head and if all the girls are comfortable then you know that they can come up with rules such as knocks etc. which may finally give them the confidence to bate knowing that they respect each other and won't be embarrassed. I imagine there is a lot of difference between 1 of these 3 opening the door and Milena or Lola - they would probably laugh while the most these girls we do would be to smile apologetically. So 3 girls is better but the mix has to be right as it is now - just one problem they need to start getting some alcohol into Jasmine so she is more in the mood.

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41 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Con las 3 chicas que tienen ahora se está trabajando con claridad. Los 3 son cómodas estar desnudo por la casa en frente de los demás. Altos hornos puede restringir lo que hacen, pero a mí 3 niñas de 3 camas significa 3 posibilidades de acción nocturna, 4 tiende a significar 2 oportunidades. Imagínese esto y por razones obvias no podría haber ocurrido, pero debe chica 1 han tenido acceso al jugo feliz, entonces un montón de alcohol podría haber llevado a ese mismo escenario Megan, Rebecca, Belle y no había nadie para detenerlos ellos ,. o restricción de las redes sociales, una repetición. Megan duda (y creo que posiblemente Rebecca) no le gustaba el hecho de que Dima estaba allí esa noche (sí, sino para aquel etc. está el argumento) y, posiblemente, también muchas otras chicas. Mi Belle es muy particular, que se deja cerca de su coño y éstos corriente 2 Yo sé que lo haría. Añadir una persona extra y la posibilidad de que ocurra nada, probablemente, ha pasado de ser prácticamente nula.

Y si uno de ellos trajo un tipo de vuelta - Mi Belle siendo el único candidato actual y que no va a cabo en el momento así que esto es poco probable con estos 3 - es obviamente mucho más fácil para las 2 chicas que comparten.

I appreciate your opinion, and your point of view it seems reasonable.

There is a question, which I'm not so agree with what you say, is that the girls feel comfortable with their nudity, at least Rebeca and Jazmin, so far, I think it is not.

It seems to me perfect that encourage them to show their anatomy has (as have criticized many of the decisions of the administrators of the page, I must be fair, and say BRAVO, I think it is a wise decision).

This decision, may be applicable also to B1, but we'll see the results.

I hope and expect that over time, trust between them is increasing, time flies, and three months pass quickly, but changes there before. We all know that living is complicated and time adaptation should be very brief, even with all these drawbacks, we see other interesting moments of entertainment.

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