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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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After reading Yury's translation of the club scene a few days ago, Danaya needs a change, and will hopefully get it when Adele leaves. She is trying to compete in Adele's world for guys and these aren't the kind of guys she needs. Maybe if she starts keeping company with the younger girls, she will find herself again. She strikes me as a very sensitive girl, and needs someone who see's life the same way. I really do hope the best for her.

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2 hours ago, Benfold said:

Wow! Two young attractive girls going out on a Saturday night, when there is a particularly big party in town? How absolutely ridiculous! /sarcasm

sorry you don't like it benfold...i think the word used before was 'chill'...a little sarcasm can go a long way to lighten things up!  and, by the way...it wouldn't be bad if it was only saturday night or wed. and sat.  or......well, you get the point!

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Il y a 2 heures, Yury a dit :

I do not remember, I said or not. Danaya feels bad. She complained to her mother, that forces himself to get out of bed. She also thanked Adele that she pulls her out of bed. 

I think it is depression, fatigue, and excessive alcohol consumption. Danaya need to rest. And I very much hope that she with Aida and Vika will walk more, sleep well at night, and will remove on the wayside her problems with guys.

il y a une chose bien connue de tous: plus tu dors, plus tu es fatigué!!! si sainte danaya est si fatiguée, c'est avant tout parce qu'elle ne fait absolument rien de ses journées, sauf dormir et regarder son ordinateur allongée sur le lit!!! une personne active, sera toujours plus en forme, qu'une personne qui dort en permanence. le sommeil amène le sommeil....

there is a well-known thing of all: the more you sleep, the more you're tired !!! so holy Danaya is so tired, it is primarily because it does absolutely nothing of his days, except sleeping and watching his computer lying on the bed !!! an active person, always will be more fit, a person who sleeps all the time. sleep causes sleep ....

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