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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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  • Noldus


  • Dreamer24


  • legrandrobert


  • euromike69


8 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

They are into MEN and FUN in the SUN, Why make it into more than what it is ??? This thread has become a regular PEYTON PLACE !!!! so much speculation, so much BS, and far to many fantasies being written without being factual. 

This is what we do know, They are beautiful young ladies, they are in Barcelona and it is summer. They go out of the apartment. They go to clubs, shopping and to the beach. Elisa goes roller bladeing. Rita is studying English and Spanish. Vika just likes to run around Naked. Vika and Rita take bath's together, rub a dub dub two beauty's in the tub. Elisa from time to time likes to give in to her inner desires, which is always fun to watch. Elisa drinks gin, wine, and champagne. They all seem to get along OK for roommates. Vika and Elisa have their men back home, thank god Vika's man is not in Barcelona anymore..

Elisa's time is almost up June 11th according to the scuttlebutt. Vika is here until June 30th, I have no Idea about Rita. She may be the new Nora for all we know ???

All the rest is just talk, speculation, and mostly just BULLSHIT and FANTASIES. 

:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: ROFLMAO

The thing I don't like about the thread these days,is that I can never learn anything about what is gonig on in the apt while I'm at work or out and about,,,just too much yapping and nobody is saying what is going on in the apt at that very moment,,so if you are not in front of your computer,,you will never know or get any updates about what's currently going on,,,,I need more information please guys,,,the same way if any of you weren't home we could keep you updated too.

Elisa is home!!weight-of-the-world-smiley-emoticon.gif

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Just now, Thestarider said:

Elisa home too the Bacelona apartment is now full of beauty again

Amen Thes and vika is home because you can hear her all over Europe and other places.

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1 hour ago, Dreamer24 said:

It just sucks for me, because there's no way i can help these girls. Im happy that they hopefully have a long life ahead of them doing whatever they choose. I love Elisa because she in some ways is so childish, innocent, but at the same time she's a hot young girl that can easily be taken advantage of. I hope will she try and use her senses to make right decisions. Scares me bad how much she drinks guys. I love to drink, but i control it. Hopefully she can find people to help her also. I hope whatever guy is her boyfriend -- i hope he treats her like a queen she really is. She's not bad,  she's not a whore, she's jus a young confused, but happy hotttt girl. Hope she and the other girls have a great life too. Sorry for your mothers illness -- i really am.

Same to you Dreamer.regard the rest i gess i depends from person to person and the emotion we feel for someone that we truty dont know.i heard a lot that thing..poor girls..but What make this girls poor or less capable than any other girl?The country the are?that doesnt mean always all..there is lots(milions russians and ukranian ets) that are richier and happier than most of us..If i feel Sorry for Elisa drinking só much..yes..but..its her life..and her real friends and family mostly certain know it,and only them can do anything.The thing in rlc its that we should never have intense feelings,like being in love for an resident..because that we will act badly and defend everything in her..including the bad things.We should see rlc as it is.In this barça home girls always coming and going,sometimes great fun girls that we like other boring girls that we dont like.Of course the girls we like we will hope someday they return and we see them again..but if not..that ok also.

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