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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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3 hours ago, Dreamer24 said:

Oh im very glad Irma has come to the apartment. People have temporarily brought Vika out of her shell before, but she always goes back, because she has a boyfriend that she's dedicated to ..... that's all that matters to her. Vika will never be a party person like maybe Rita or Irma. ..... it's not her i dont think. Some people keep thinking she may be bi or lesbo, but no chance i dont think. Good massage or bad massage i dont think Vika would give in to a girl and have sex of any kind.# Im very glad Irma is here -- now two hot, sweet, friendly girls..... and Vika has a few good days at times.

Agree in a lot you said Dreamer,About the Vika not being an lesbian or bi..almost all that been in this in this apartment and that are current arent lesbian neither possible bi..but in the past that wasnt an thing that made them not made massages between them and some sexy funny gameplays..its a lot more About the personalities of the girls and What the are comited to the rlc project..some will enter the fun...others will do almost nothing..Irma its so good that knowing that she is by itself she just plays with herself and tries to find Nice ways to entertain viewers.She is an exception to the rule Indeed..

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I have been thinking about this I think there is a reason these girls go to their rooms and do not socialize together as much as other tenets have.  It seems that maybe RLC wants them in their room so that people can look at the girl they prefer.  Now I know this sound weird but why else would they spend hours alone in a little room when they do not have to?  What normal girls would go to a city like Barcelona and sit in their room all day?  Unless they had to or were required to.  

Dayna and Ilona did this as well.  Most of the others didn't.  Some here used to complain the previous girls were out too much.  And sometimes it did seem that way.  But you know they were out at the beach or clubs or working and having a good time.  

Maybe this is the new rules for them.  It is the only thing that makes sense.

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1 minute ago, albacore said:

I have been thinking about this I think there is a reason these girls go to their rooms and do not socialize together as much as other tenets have.  It seems that maybe RLC wants them in their room so that people can look at the girl they prefer.  Now I know this sound weird but why else would they spend hours alone in a little room when they do not have to?  What normal girls would go to a city like Barcelona and sit in their room all day?  Unless they had to or were required to.  

Dayna and Ilona did this as well.  Most of the others didn't.  Some here used to complain the previous girls were out too much.  And sometimes it did seem that way.  But you know they were out at the beach or clubs or working and having a good time.  

Maybe this is the new rules for them.  It is the only thing that makes sense.

That's a smart thought Albacore. Never thought about it that way , but very possible.

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irma elle s'aime, elle s'adore tellement qu'elle se fait l'amour à elle même!!! elle passe ses journées à se toucher, se ploter, se malaxer les seins dans toute les pièces de la maison, parce qu'elle s'aime tellement!!! irma elle s'adore tellement, qu'elle s'admire dans chaque miroir, chaque glace ou reflets dans la vitre!!! irma elle pourrait même s'admirer dans le reflet d'une flaque d'eau!!! et puis irma elle s'économise, elle marche doucement pour mieux se regarder en se caressant!! le temps tourne au ralenti parce que irma se caresse doucement, parce qu'elle s'adore tellement!!!...irma elle a trouvé un peepshow grandeur nature avec rlc, et même les escaliers, elle les descend lentement et en crabe, pour être bien en face des caméras. irma quand elle se lève, elle a toujours quelque chose à ramasser par terre, lentement, afin de bien offrir sa croupe à la caméra!!! puis irma elle reviens vers le miroir, et se fait encore l'amour toute seule, en se plotant les seins, parce qu'elle s'adore irma, elle s'aime tellement!!!! si irma était assez souple, elle glisserai sa langue entre ses cuisses, parce qu'elle s'aime tellement, tellement, tellement...

irma she loves, she loves so much that she makes love to herself !!! she spends her days to touch, fondle, to knead the breasts in any room in the house, because she likes so much !!! irma she loves so much, she admires in each mirror, each ice reflections in the glass !!! irma she could even admire the reflection of a puddle !!! Irma and then she saves, she walks slowly to better watch stroking !! time idling because irma caresses softly, because she loves so much !!! ... irma she found a peepshow with rlc-size, and even the stairs, she slowly descends and crab, to be well in front of the cameras. Irma when she gets up, she always has something to pick up ground, slowly, to offer good rump to the camera !!! Irma and her back to the mirror, and is still love alone, by plotant breasts, because she loves Irma, she loves so much !!!! if Irma was flexible enough, she'll slip her tongue between her thighs, because she loves so much, so, so ...

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23 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

irma she loves, she loves so much that she makes love to herself !!! she spends her days to touch, fondle, to knead the breasts in any room in the house, because she likes so much !!! irma she loves so much, she admires in each mirror, each ice reflections in the glass !!! irma she could even admire the reflection of a puddle !!! Irma and then she saves, she walks slowly to better watch stroking !! time idling because irma caresses softly, because she loves so much !!! ... irma she found a peepshow with rlc-size, and even the stairs, she slowly descends and crab, to be well in front of the cameras. Irma when she gets up, she always has something to pick up ground, slowly, to offer good rump to the camera !!! Irma and her back to the mirror, and is still love alone, by plotant breasts, because she loves Irma, she loves so much !!!! if Irma was flexible enough, she'll slip her tongue between her thighs, because she loves so much, so, so ...

irma she loves, she loves so much that she makes love to herself !!! she spends her days to touch, fondle, to knead the breasts in any room in the house, because she likes so much !!! irma she loves so much, she admires in each mirror, each ice reflections in the glass !!! irma she could even admire the reflection of a puddle !!! Irma and then she saves, she walks slowly to better watch stroking !! time idling because irma caresses softly, because she loves so much !!! ... irma she found a peepshow with rlc-size, and even the stairs, she slowly descends and crab, to be well in front of the cameras. Irma when she gets up, she always has something to pick up ground, slowly, to offer good rump to the camera !!! Irma and her back to the mirror, and is still love alone, by plotant breasts, because she loves Irma, she loves so much !!!! if Irma was flexible enough, she'll slip her tongue between her thighs, because she loves so much, so, so ...

Okkkkkk!! Plays to the cams.....

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44 minutes ago, albacore said:

I have been thinking about this I think there is a reason these girls go to their rooms and do not socialize together as much as other tenets have.  It seems that maybe RLC wants them in their room so that people can look at the girl they prefer.  Now I know this sound weird but why else would they spend hours alone in a little room when they do not have to?  What normal girls would go to a city like Barcelona and sit in their room all day?  Unless they had to or were required to.  

Dayna and Ilona did this as well.  Most of the others didn't.  Some here used to complain the previous girls were out too much.  And sometimes it did seem that way.  But you know they were out at the beach or clubs or working and having a good time.  

Maybe this is the new rules for them.  It is the only thing that makes sense.

Nahh Albacore::),,,I would say my voice is hoarse from speaking the same thing over and over again,,but I a typing so I'll just say that my fingers are hurting from typing the same thing over and over again,,,,it's like either people are not reading what I write,,or you all seem to just ignore the obvious.

I can't speak for Goofy(Vika),,,,but I've said it countess times,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Rita is in Barcelona to study both Spanish and brush up on her English skills,,,she had her own place with friends and then on her own,,,but being as smart as she is,,,why pay when you can stay for free in this apt while using the money you save to buy things you need,pay for your classes,,and simply earn a living,,a lot of people might bitch and scream about her not being here enough or being in her room a lot,,,but she is doing in this apt as she would in the other place that she stayed Before RLC brought her here,,she studies as much as possible,,goes out for small modeling gigs or to go socialize with friends or to go shopping,sightseeing etc.

Even though most CC members don't care about seeing what the most vocal members of CC care about,,a majority of folks here already knows what you get with Rita,,,they know why she is here,,and they know why she is in her room a lot,,Even when Irma wasn't here,,Rita did the same thing,,she was always gone to school or work,,and when she comes home she studies as much as possible,,,Learning another language is one of the most difficult and time consuming things that a person can do,,,I know the kind of person she is,,,and if she was here just for fun,,she would have been socializing more and doing more stuff with the other females,,and she would not be in her room all the time.

I absolutely love Irma to death,,,and I wish that Rita and her would interact more,,but I gotta use common sense and know that it would most likely never happen,,because they have completely different priorities and goals.

Hopefully after Vika leaves we get someone who can play with Irma,,so we can really see what she can do,,,I just wished that Vika would cur her stay short and get to bouncing her ass out of there.

Once again folks,,,,Rita is in her room most of the time because she is studying,,and she needs a little quiet and space,,,she is not in there to be an asshole to anyone,,she has no reason to hate anyone,,especially if they never did anything to her,,she is simply just focused on her studies,,and anyone f us would jump at the chance to get free room and board while we where studying to,,that's a smart move.

Looks like Irma is about to leave for her night job again.

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42 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

irma elle s'aime, elle s'adore tellement qu'elle se fait l'amour à elle

9 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

Nahh Albacore::),,,I would say my voice is hoarse from speaking the same thing over and over again,,but I a typing so I'll just say that my fingers are hurting from typing the same thing over and over again,,,,it's like either people are not reading what I write,,or you all seem to just ignore the obvious.

I can't speak for Goofy(Vika),,,,but I've said it countess times,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Rita is in Barcelona to study both Spanish and brush up on her English skills,,,she had her own place with friends and then on her own,,,but being as smart as she is,,,why pay when you can stay for free in this apt while using the money you save to buy things you need,pay for your classes,,and simply earn a living,,a lot of people might bitch and scream about her not being here enough or being in her room a lot,,,but she is doing in this apt as she would in the other place that she stayed Before RLC brought her here,,she studies as much as possible,,goes out for small modeling gigs or to go socialize with friends or to go shopping,sightseeing etc.

Even though most CC members don't care about seeing what the most vocal members of CC care about,,a majority of folks here already knows what you get with Rita,,,they know why she is here,,and they know why she is in her room a lot,,Even when Irma wasn't here,,Rita did the same thing,,she was always gone to school or work,,and when she comes home she studies as much as possible,,,Learning another language is one of the most difficult and time consuming things that a person can do,,,I know the kind of person she is,,,and if she was here just for fun,,she would have been socializing more and doing more stuff with the other females,,and she would not be in her room all the time.

I absolutely love Irma to death,,,and I wish that Rita and her would interact more,,but I gotta use common sense and know that it would most likely never happen,,because they have completely different priorities and goals.

Hopefully after Vika leaves we get someone who can play with Irma,,so we can really see what she can do,,,I just wished that Vika would cur her stay short and get to bouncing her ass out of there.

Once again folks,,,,Rita is in her room most of the time because she is studying,,and she needs a little quiet and space,,,she is not in there to be an asshole to anyone,,she has no reason to hate anyone,,especially if they never did anything to her,,she is simply just focused on her studies,,and anyone f us would jump at the chance to get free room and board while we where studying to,,that's a smart move.

Looks like Irma is about to leave for her night job again.

That's exactly how ive felt about both of them Mikey. They both are classy girls with goals in their lives. A reason for everything they do. I love both of them very much. They are both very beautiful, smart, sexy girls. 

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6 minutter siden, euromike69 sa:

Nahh Albacore ::),,, JEG Vil si min Stemme er hes FRA snakker Fondet Samme om og om igjen ,, Menn JEG en skrivefeil, SA JEG Vil bare si at fingrene min er vondt fra A skrive Fondet Samme om og om igjen ,,,, er Det Som Enten folk Ikke Leser Hva jeg Skriver ,, Eller du ser ut til et nakent ignorere Fondet åpenbare.

JEG Håkan Ikke snakke for Goofy (Vika) ,,,, men JEG Har sagt Fondet grevinne Ganger ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Rita er i Barcelona for en studere Bade spansk og Friske OPP sinus engelskkunnskaper ,,, Hun hadde synd Egen plass Med VENNER og deretter på synd Egen ,,, Menn Å Være SÅ smart Som Hun er ,,,:: Hvorfor betale Nar du Håkan Bo gratis i nettstedet apt menns bruke Pengene du sparer til Å kjøpe generisk ting du Trenger, betale for klasser ,, og bare tjene til livets Opphold ,, kanskje skabb Mennesker tispe og skrike om Henne Ikke Å Være Hennes Nok Eller Å Være på rommet balkongrummet Mye ,,, Menn Hun Gjør JEG nettstedet apt Som Hun ville JEG Det Andre stedet Som Hun bodde FØR RLC brakte Henne Henne ,, Hun Studerer SÅ Mye Som MULIG ,, GÅR UT for Små modelljobber Eller for Gar sosialisere MED VENNER Eller Gå på shopping, sightseeing OSV

Selv om de fleste CC Medlemmer Ikke bryr SEG om Å Se hva de MEST-høylytte Medlemmer av CC bryr SEG om ,, et flertall av folk Hun allerede vet Hva du sauer Med Rita ,,, de vet:: Hvorfor Hun er her ,, og de vet:: Hvorfor Hun er på rommet balkongrummet Mye ,, Selv Nar Irma Var Ikke Hennes ,, Rita gjorde Fondet Samme ,, Hun Var Alltid Gått på skole Eller jobb ,, og NAR Hun Kommer Hjem Hun Studerer SÅ Mye Som MULIG ,,, læring Annen språket er en av de vanskeligste og mest--tidkrevende ting Som en person Håkan gjøre ,,, JEG dyrlege HVA slagg person Hun er ,,, og HVIS HUN Var Hennes nakne for moro ,, Hun ville ha vært sosialt samvær mer og gjøre handlekurv handlekurv Flere ting Med Andre Kvinner ,, og Hun ville Ikke Være på rommet balkongrummet Hele Tiden.

JEG Absolutt elsker Irma til døden ,,, og JEG Ønsker at Rita og Hennes ville samhandle mer ,, men JEG Må bruke Sunn fornuft, og veterinæren på Det Vil MEST sannsynlig Aldri skje ,, fordi de Har Helt Ulike prioriteringer og Mal.

Forhåpentligvis ETTER Vika Senere vi sauer noen som kan Spille Med Irma ,, SÅ VI Håkan Virkelig Se hva Hun Håkan gjøre ,,, JEG bare ønsket at Vika ville cur Henne Opphold kart og Komme til hopp rumpa ut av Fondet.

Igjen folkens ,,,, Rita er på rommet balkongrummet mesteparten av Tiden fordi Hun Studerer ,, og Hun Trenger Litt ro og plass ,,, Hun er Ikke i Fondet et Være en drittsekk til Noen ,, Hun Har INGEN Grunn Å hate Noen, , spesielt HVIS de Aldri gjorde Noe Med Henne ,, Hun er Rett og slett bare fokusert på studiene ,, oG Noen f Oss Vil hoppe på sjansen til forbunds gratis kost og losji mens vi der a studere til ,, Det er en smart bevege SEG .

Akkurat nå, Dreamer24 sa:


it will be a quiet night here then, with K & K away and now Irma ..

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