euromike69 Posted February 2, 2016 Posted February 2, 2016 That's exactly what I was gonna say almost word for word,,,,and then I thought that maybe she practiced really hard at home how to do it while remaining as still as possible,there was only a little twitching towards the end,but if Danaya was really rubbing one out,then she has more control over her Muscles than any woman I've ever known,in real life or online. No one can keep that still when bating or having an orgasm can they? Not even a deepening of breathing, no facial expressions, absolutely nothing. If she really wants to bate in private then do it in the toilet out of sight of anyone. She can't possibly be satisfied with acting dead for 10 minutes!!
upndown Posted February 2, 2016 Posted February 2, 2016 First of all Upndown, I am not that rich and second of all, my wife divorces me!!! Well, maybe if we do it real quietly, shhhhh!!! Hmmmmm..............A lawyer pleading poverty............... :no: :no:
mr1010 Posted February 2, 2016 Posted February 2, 2016 I agree with upndown. And I will say this honestly, even if she does nothing I won't hold it against her personally. I may not be happy but I will accept it and wait for the next girl. But if she thinks she can laugh at us, fuck that!!! That I take personally!
mr1010 Posted February 2, 2016 Posted February 2, 2016 Alright, upndown, you got me! OK, I'm in! Just not in the US! Who is in with me?
euromike69 Posted February 2, 2016 Posted February 2, 2016 I don't see anybody mentioning the name of the only person I would give my donation of whatever amount of money it takes, To see her 24/7,,if you want my money you gotta start showing my queen some respect Kapeesh lmaoo!!. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :haha: :haha: :nana: :nana: :yes: :hugnkiss: Now this is an idea to go with!!! There must be a few folk here that have a few bob (Mikey's always telling us how rich he is!). We get Leora, Nelly, Masha and Zoya, and set them up in an apartment. We charge $100 per month. We would have a million members in a month!! Right, over to all you rich guys to come up with the funding!! :yes: :woohoo: :yes:
upndown Posted February 2, 2016 Posted February 2, 2016 I don't see anybody mentioning the name of the only person I would give my donation of whatever amount of money it takes, To see her 24/7,,if you want my money you gotta start showing my queen some respect Kapeesh lmaoo!!. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :haha: :haha: :nana: :nana: :yes: :hugnkiss: I'm sorry Mikey, but as you can see, this apartment is for tried, tested, and approved pussy rubbers. If you want Rita to be included, the organising committee would have to see a video of her doing likewise. Hopefully, you will be able to supply this. If not, give us your money and shut the fuck up! :haha:
horseshoejerry Posted February 2, 2016 Posted February 2, 2016 What does that mean, havingablast? Are you saying no one in the world pays attention to me???? That is not the case, number one, and number two if people don't pay attention they will a least suffer under my withering complaint. And that will give me much satisfaction. Benfold, apparently reported by others, they saw and heard the girls saying things like lick my pussy Danaya and them laughing at the cameras and us as they said it. And of course when she said it she wasn't playfully trying to do it, she wasn't doing anything. And she said it in English. I trust the people who reported it. And you all may be right that they don't care. So be it. I can be really freaking annoying if I want to. I hate to tell you my friend but you are being played. They were not looking at CC or RLC forum page today. They were not mocking us today. I watched the goings on when it happened I didn't see that. I went back just now and looked at my recording again just to be sure. I am not going to go back over all the details but I will say this. The girls were in Ilona's room earlier. As someone else noted they were in a playful mood. Ilona was doing some tit grabbing and Danaya was attempting to show affection and for the most part it was playful. Here is Where my story parts from what you heard. At one point they were looking at dating sites. How do I know? They both had their screens visible to camera 7 for a short while. Ilona was reading some profiles in english with a irritating mocking voice and style. It was so irritating it caused Danaya At one point to plug her ears. Shortly thereafter Danaya got a text and the context appeared someone asked her out and she started to try to think of an excuse why she could not go. Her first excuse was "I cannot go I am having a problem with my belly (in english). Ilona thought that was funny. Danaya then said no...I cannot go because I have to stay home and play with my pussy.(again in english) Ilona thought that was hilarious and started using "playing with my pussy" as a running joke. In the irritating voice she would repeat I have to play with my pussy ...can I play with your pussy? She even grabbed the stuff dog and attacked Danaya with it saying Can I play with your pussy and Can I lick your pussy? Later another profile got Ilona miming shaving her body hair. She threw her spread legs up against the wall and mocked shaving her pussy, legs and arm pits. There was more but I will not repeat the whole scene. Just know she was not mocking us. Did she look in the camera? Maybe but only because Danaya was sitting under cam 7 because her batteries were low and for a while she was sitting on the floor on a short charging cord. I was watching from cam 8 at that point because cam 7 just showed the back of her head. Cam 8 wasn't much better because she was sitting on the floor sometimes moving up and down from the bed when Ilona showed her something or she wanted to kiss or cuddle Ilona. I truly believe you cannot believe everything you see in the apartment but you cannot believe everything people say (or think they see) here.
DES7469 Posted February 2, 2016 Posted February 2, 2016 Well RLC may be boring at the moment but you guys are a riot.
Thestarider Posted February 2, 2016 Posted February 2, 2016 so here'sw the deal mikey, will have to have more than one girls apartment, on for the girls of the first apartment, those that not afraid of and enjoy exhibitionism, of all kinds. The second one can be for the girls who love to tease us a play with out minds, that way when they finish teasing the fuck out us, we can go yo the other apartment get our voyeur fix.
Thestarider Posted February 2, 2016 Posted February 2, 2016 Thank you Horseshoe, I stand corrected, I apologize to all if I have misled you in any way. It was pure speculation on my part that they reading the forums. Horseshoe has presented evidence that I could not produce. I completely agree with with statements as he posted them, that is in fact exactly how everything this morning transpired in sequential order of events. I too had up both cameras on two different screens, but I did not zoom in on them to verify exactly what they were looking at. I made an assumption. I was definitely wrong to assume anything. Thank you again horseshoe for posting. Once again, I apologize to any and everyone if I misled them.
mr1010 Posted February 2, 2016 Posted February 2, 2016 OK, horsejerry, I know differing people can interpret different things from the same visual and audio evidence. OK, although I tend to believe also my friend who told me, I will give the benefit of the doubt to her for now. Although I may want to test her. Plant something in the forum, see if she rises to the bait. We may not get something but it may be worth the shot. Maybe this whole thing reminded me of other things that bother me about these voyeur sites (I am also on Voyeur Villa). I know they are all shows and phony, but I don't want it slapped right in my face! I don't have to pay after all, but I do (through the nose!).
euromike69 Posted February 2, 2016 Posted February 2, 2016 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: I got the video,I got the money,and the ladies,,,and all you got is that puppet on the spring on your avatar picture still stuck up your ass,from all the roughhousing sex. :haha: :haha: :haha: I'm sorry Mikey, but as you can see, this apartment is for tried, tested, and approved pussy rubbers. If you want Rita to be included, the organising committee would have to see a video of her doing likewise. Hopefully, you will be able to supply this. If not, give us your money and shut the fuck up! :haha:
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