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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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Just one night I would like to be that blanket that Ilona locks down between her thighs.... That thing has the 1000 dollar view of her sexy pussy. Not to mention the memories of lovely Kami's lotion bottle explosions :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :yeahbaby:

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Ilona stills needs to go. And with the influence she has had on Danaya it may be time for her to leave also. I currently find Adele more interesting.

Just to be clear. I could care less is the girls have sex. I'm just as interested in the interactions they have. Will two girls ever have sex in this apartment? Not likely. But it doesn't mean it will never happen. The right girls and the right circumstances it very well could happen. But I'm not counting on it or wishing for it. I just like to watch no matter what they are doing. 

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I'm trying to find out what really happened yesterday afternoon.

Danaya and Ilona went out, looked like it was at Spa since Danaya took with it they tend to it. Possible they also did some shopping on the way back.

Did not get to me when they got home, but it was Adele at home and when I got on the computer, she sat and Ilona out on the balcony, but Danaya was in the laundry room for a long time. She had not taken off his outer garments or shoes. When she came out, she went straight to Ilona's room and started talking to her. She looked as bland out .. Ilona said they should go in the laundry room, and there they were in about two hours.

I was sure they had planned to go out on the club. Adele had bought wine and sat waiting for them. When they came out of the washroom, painted themselves and everything indicates that they should go out. But then sjedde something along the way, as I did with me. When started drawing on the body etc.

Anyone know anything?

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Noldus, it is very hard to figure out what is going on in that apartment... Adele does not fit in with Ilona and Danaya.. She is there to make connections and sell her talents as a lingerie designer if she can...and fashion designer. That is why she wears what I can only presume are her own designs on camera all the time. From what I seen, she has her own agenda. I don't see Adele joining in with Danaya and Ilona for the nightly nudity or craziness they do, as a matter of fact it appears to me, that Ilona, does not much care for Adele. Maybe because she is so driven to succeed with her talents. Could be that she plain just told Ilona I am not going to do that stuff you two are on camera, but I don't really know. Ilona and Danaya get made up for the cameras and for whatever they decide they are going to that night. It is obvious to me they discuss thier plans and threw the night they again discuss what they going to next. For example last night while Danaya was doing the high school girls thing drawing all over Ilona, she was drawing on her tummy after she finished the face of the guy with his open mouth  using her nipple. She was drawing on her tummy and belly button, then motioned for to her lean over so she could whisper in her ear like they always do, I think she ask her she draw down to her pussy, because ilona grabbed the blanket and covers up and shuck her head no and said said no. Danaya just rolled her eyes and then started to draw 1000 euros on her leg. Every bit of their actions are pre planned and discussed. I am not complaining as I actually do enjoy watching the two them, the are quite entertaining.

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THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT,THIS IS NOW DAY 2,AND ILONA JUST TURNED HER LAPTOP ON AND IT'S STILL NOT WORKING,,,,SHE FINALLY PICKED UP HER TABLET TO TRY AND USE THAT INSTEAD,SO FOR THOSE THAT HATE TO SEE HER ON THE LAPTOP REJOICE!!. :trashcomputer: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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It's 21 degrees and glorious sunshine in one of the most beautiful cities in the world and what do these two girls do? Sit in bed staring at their phones/ tablets!!!

If these two are supposed to be educated girls and on a mission to get into modelling then they are not going to get very far!! These take laziness to a whole new level!!!

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das haben die Kritiker des Badens bei Kerzenlicht nun erreicht: ein gemeinsames Baden in romantischer Stimmung gibt es nicht mehr. Die Mädchen müssten doch nur auf eine Mindestzahl Kerzen achten, dann brauchten wir auf gemeinsame Spassbäder bei ausreichender Beleuchtung nicht verzichten. Ich hoffe, dass das Kerzenverbot im Bad wieder aufgehoben wird.

the critics of bathing by candlelight have now reached: there is no longer a common bathing in a romantic mood. The girl would have to make candles but only on a minimum set, then we need not abandon common spas with sufficient illumination. I hope that the candle in the bathroom again ban on

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I havent thought so much about the so called freezing out of Adele.

But just this minute when she got back from her shopping Ilona didn`t

take one second to talk or look at what she bought. I think that it is Ilona

who is the bad apple in this triology, and she has some magic spell on Danaya.

I don`t think Danaya is that cold normally.

That is just my thought about this apt!

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