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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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kiwibloke  its  every night  danaya  does  what  adele    wants  to    do    these    paid    members  are    looking  at  an  empty  flat    adele    could  not  give  a  toss  about  them

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and now its under maintenance


By day Danaya told Adele that came from the RLC. I thought that they already fixed the camera.

Maybe they went out on the time of repair. But we will not to amuse itself of hopes.  :D

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The apartment owners need to fix that window latch. This isn't RLC or the girl's problem. It has been a problem since Nora was living there. Someone is going to get hurt. I witnessed it fly open on a windy day once. If someone was bending down in the corner, it could do some serious damage to someone's head.

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They changed their decision.

I'm not surprised, but very disappointed.

like you...i'm not surprised..unlike you, i'm not really disappointed any more...i'm giving up on this room. I was hoping Adele would change a little but, nope...back to her usual self.  I was also hoping Danaya would grow some courage and just say no to adele but nope...right back to her usual self. Too bad...so much potential in this room but nothing is going to happen other that a few shows from time to time to placate the viewers.  I don't really care for the planned shows.  Guess i'll just wait until they're both gone and new girls come in....

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like you...i'm not surprised..unlike you, i'm not really disappointed any more...i'm giving up on this room. I was hoping Adele would change a little but, nope...back to her usual self.  I was also hoping Danaya would grow some courage and just say no to adele but nope...right back to her usual self. Too bad...so much potential in this room but nothing is going to happen other that a few shows from time to time to placate the viewers.  I don't really care for the planned shows.  Guess i'll just wait until they're both gone and new girls come in....

oui, elles sortent beaucoup, mais c'est dur de rester à la maison un samedi soir à barcelone!!! elles sont jeunes, connaissent du monde et comme beaucoup de filles, adorent la fête et danser!!! je préfère leur absence que des soirées entières à ne rien faire d'autres que de pianoter sur leur téléphone!!! je me souviens de l'époque de lora, qui travaillait et partait très tôt le matin, mais ses horaires étaient tellement précis, que nous savions à quelle heure elle se douchait, à quelle heure elle s'habillait ou à quelle heure elle mangeait!! fini les nuits blanches interminables à ne pas dormir, car nous savions précisément quand se produisaient les moments intéressants!!! ce n'est pas l'absence qui est embêtante, mais la routine quotidienne sans surprise, avec les téléphones et les ordinateurs!!!

yes, they go out a lot, but it's hard to stay home on a Saturday night in barcelona !!! they are young, aware of the world and as many girls love to party and dance !!! I prefer their absence that whole evenings doing nothing other than tapping away on their phones !!! I remember the days of Lora, who worked and left early in the morning, but times were so precise, we knew what time she showered, what time she dressed or what time she ate! ! finished the endless sleepless nights not sleeping, because we knew exactly when to produce the interesting moments !!! it is not the absence which is annoying, but the daily routine without surprise, with phones and computers !!! :-\ :-\

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I know that i`m going to get some shit for this.

But still the only way that these girls was ever going to have the

good fortune to be able to travel to Barcelona and be staying in a pretty

nice apartment like this is by the fucking pay that we do to RLC.

And the way that these two is doing it is not too our benefit.

The other girls that`s been here have at least had the good feeling to be around the apt much more.

I do appriciate that they are young and want to explore the city of Barcelona.

But i think that they have to recognice who is in the end is paying for the party.

And maybe stay a little more in the aprt.

I feel like a old fucking geezer to feel this way but i think that this Barcelona apt was way better before.

Just my oppinion you all!!

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