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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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Notice how they have both got sore throats. Adele must have brought it back with her and she was using a throat spray last night before she went to bed. Now Danaya looks like she has it. Maybe those vaping pipes is no good for them. I'd hate to think it was something less savoury that was going into their mouths that was causing it  :-[

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I thimk it's her mother she talks to, she made sure and show her the present that Adele brought her back, the Vaporizers smokeless cigarette machine and all the different flavors. Maybe shes just a moma's girl and needs to talk to moma everyday, like i have said before, she has the mentality of high school girl in a woman's body. That is too bad for us.

Yeah it is her mum she talks to every day, maybe to reassure her she's OK which is rich when she had only been in bed for a max of four hours after clubbing all night, before she's talking to her. Don't want to sound cynical cos I love her to bits but I used to phone my old mum in the 1960's from a phone box outside some sleazy joint in Soho to reassure her I was OK, which I was at that moment ha ha memories  :P It wouldn't surprise me if Adele made her pay for her vaping pipe, I don't smoke but I know those things don't come cheap in UK, after all she is the selfish, mercenary one.

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I think I might have been a little harsh on Adele suggesting she would want the money for the vaping pipe. I've just viewed all the pics of the homecoming, the giving of presents and Danaya's kiss on the lips in thanks and on reflection of the last 12 hours, I now think it has been more of "I've given you all these presents now you need to come out clubbing with me since I have all these invitations"! and look how downbeat their return was this morning !!

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Notice how they have both got sore throats. Adele must have brought it back with her and she was using a throat spray last night before she went to bed. Now Danaya looks like she has it. Maybe those vaping pipes is no good for them. I'd hate to think it was something less savoury that was going into their mouths that was causing it  :-[

I think they have a sore throat because they come out at night.

In bars, they speaks loudly because of the music, drinking alcohol and smoke cigarettes quickly outside without putting their jackets. That's all

Je pense qu'elles ont mal à la gorge car elles sortent le soir.

Dans les bars, on parle fort car à cause de  la musique, on boit de l'alcool et on sort dehors fumer une cigarette rapidement sans mettre sa veste. C'est tout

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SO what I don't understand, and why I have quit watching this apartment is because it longer has the feel of real life in any way to me. If it were real life, the girls would throw a party once in a while at the apartment for the friends they have made, or at least have them over after clubbing for a drink, This never happens, so to me this simply isn't real life, because if it was real life they would at least have friends over instead of going clubbing every night.  :wtf: :screwy: :yes: :yes:

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They say those stupid macines are better for you than smoking, but I agree, I have friends who use them and they had issues with sore throats too.  :screwy:

This is  :offtopic: but.......

It's been proven that they are safer alternative with studies. If your friends are getting a sore throat then they need to do some reading and find out what they are doing wrong.

If they don't already know about it tell them to go to ECF forum. It's the largest vaping forum. I've been on it for almost 3 years now.

Please don't discourage your friends about it. Do some reading on ECF or better still go to CASAA - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association. (casaa.org)

They are trying to improve their're lives. The number of people that have quite smoking with vaping is likely in the millions and growing rapidly. Enough that the governments are crying over the tax revenue they are losing. Which is the reason they are trying to stop it.

OK I'll stop now. :soapbox:

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SO what I don't understand, and why I have quit watching this apartment is because it longer has the feel of real life in any way to me. If it were real life, the girls would throw a party once in a while at the apartment for the friends they have made, or at least have them over after clubbing for a drink, This never happens, so to me this simply isn't real life, because if it was real life they would at least have friends over instead of going clubbing every night.  :wtf: :screwy: :yes: :yes:

I have to disagree.

You can't define what is supposed to be "real life" based on based on what you should have done in a similar situation.

Some people likes receives people (as Nelly and Bogdan), other people doesnt (Leora and Paul). Some people enjoys to spend their time outside (Adele) other people doesn't (Ilona).

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You make a good point phantom, but this why the mass exodus from the apartment.... what you see now, you can get for free all over the internet. L and P do entertain be it very infrequently......for me unfortunately, I miss Nora and what she and Kiko created. The apartment now is just plain boring to me.

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