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DMCA & Removed Content (2013 - 2018)

Guest NL

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This reminds me of a Woody Allen film when Diane Keaton leaves her body while they're having sex because she is so disinterested. Here Paul thinks he's having sex with Leora but in fact the real Leora is on the other side of the bed texting  :lmao:

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Apart from being an alert when Leora arrives home, one thing the dog is good at is dropping things on the floor so that Leora has to bend over to pick them up. I stalked this pillow for maybe 45 minutes possibly more waiting for stop her origami or whatever it was and pick it up.


Then I got distracted by a couple of things on CamCaps: someone who got me annoyed and then someone who was very kind, and I missed its recovery. I'd like to think it was excellent but true to form the dog did it again and this time the bend was only so-so. Anyway because that pic was a bit dull here's an unrelated bend.


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