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Posts posted by Admin

  1. If you would like to sign up for a one year subscription please visit https://square.com

    This a temporary solution right now, but it works none the less. It is a one time payment nonrecurring.

    Sign up is pretty simple it only takes about 30 seconds, and you don't even need to create an account, and you get  $1 just for signing up.

    The company is called square cash here is their tutorial:


    After you have paid please make sure to send me your e-mail address and username.

    If you have any questions please let me know.

    Here is an article about it: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/22/your-money/square-cash-free-for-now-has-several-payment-perks.html?_r=0

    Square account: [email protected]

    We do not offer refunds.

    - Admin

    Using this option you can pay with both Visa and MasterCard.

  2. Admin, you have never explained why you need this strange Payza? Why don´t you allow the most simple payment method: paying with credit card?´Asd I have said before, you can raise the price a little if that makes your solution easier.

    I have explained this several times. Because we are considered an adult oriented business we can not use PayPal, or really any "free" payment systems. What that means is that on top of $500 - $1000 annual fee we'd have to pay a relatively high commission on each transaction. At this point it is not worth it to spend that kind of money on a credit card processor. Payza is accepted in 190 countries, it's safe, secure, and has good reputation. We can also accept bitcoin for those of you who don't wan to use credit cards.

  3. Sorry to say good bye to everybody, but my paid CC account was deleted (or something) and the help protocols don't seem to be working.  So, I created a new account just to say so long.  I suppose I got $12 worth of entertainment out of my membership. 

    If you want to contact me via email, my email address is:

    [email protected]


    Your old account is still active, and you weren't banned. Feel free to send me an e-mail, I can reset your password if you can't get in. We certainly appreciate your contributions around here.

    Thank You,

  4. Goddamit CamCaps!

    I don't want to sound like a party pooper but this site has been reduced to a honeypot of Reallifecam moderators. Every single link to a video on any file hosting site ends up dead in days if not hours when way less obscure sites keep explicit A&A videos up for months.

    Sorry for whining, just pointing out the elephant in the room.

    Funny you should say that. We've never removed an image or video posted directly to CC, nor have we removed anything from DirtyBin. You get what you pay for when using free third party image and video hosting.

  5. dont know if its related but i also had an issue with trying to log in.  when i got to website and tried to log in i got redirected to uploaded .com to some kind of video dl. isa.mkv is the file name. the only way i could get to site was google camcaps and pick one of the apt names that didnt come out the way i wanted but i hope u get the idea thats the page i get redirected to when i try and log in

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    isa.mkv  57,60 MB

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    I am aware of the issue and I am monitoring it. I will NOT let spammers or scammers use this forum to spread their wares. If you see something let me know. Without saying too much I am around more than you may think, and I will and do take punitive action when necessary. I will not allow people to take advantage of this community, bar none.

    - Admin

  6. We had a site outage for about five hours today, the third outage in a week. According to our hosting company the outage has been caused by an issue with the "parent server". I am hoping they have resolved the issue this time but only time will tell. I just wanted to assure you all that nothing has happened to the site itself, and all is well on our end.

    Thank You,


  7. I learned that if you register for free account you are limited to 1GB storage

    non registered users  have no storage limit ??? :o

    That's because there is no way to track free users. However, uploads are limited to 100mb and they are only stored for 40 days. Also, the download speed is slightly limited for non-logged in users.

  8. Ignoring the fact that the title of this thread is "things you never see on RLC" and not "things you never see on CC", when the hell did boss get booted? Not that I particularly care, but man that's hilarious.

    He's banned for 3 days. After several complaints I asked him to stop making random seemingly useless posts everywhere, needless to say he didn't listen.

  9. I've seen several threads talking about image hosting sites. I'd like to remind you all that DirtyBin.Com which is owned by CamCaps was setup primarily as replacement for the numerous image hosting sites that people were complaining about.  Image hosting and viewing is free on DrityBin and it has minimal ads. I am curious if there is a reason why you are choosing not to use it? Is there something that we can improve?

    Thank You,


  10. Here is the statement from the Ad provider via twitter:

    "Domain juicyads.bz is not owned by our company, it is a violation of our Trademark and is being used illegally to distribute malware."

    "This morning we discovered some adzones were compromised with some malware code. Thank you to our clients for your reports. Much love."

    It looks like they have disabled all ads temporarily until they get the problem fixed. Again the issue was not with CC it was with some ads that were being served by the third party ad provider.

  11. DirtyBin.Com is now working properly. Instead of using internal storage for file hosting, we are now using a much more reliable Cloud back-end. Please let me know if you experience any issues with it. Payza integration is working and can be used to upgrade your account.

    Note: Files that have been previously uploaded will still have the same issues. New files are uploaded directly to the cloud.

  12. Anyone else having difficulty downloading from DirtyBin?

    I get "unknown server error" after about 10Mb has downloaded.

    Yes, this is a known issue. I am in the process of switching hosts, which will hopefully resolve the issue.

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