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Everything posted by Dlinhagen

  1. Livingroom is unwatchable. Cam2 behind curtains and too low light for cam3
  2. Yep tattoo matches! So...to the timeline they go!
  3. Hey friendzone dude brought seven bottles of beer and a nice tattoed girl! Is she new?
  4. هذه الفتاة ستكون صعبة للغاية للحصول عليها
  5. This apt went from AliByeBye to Alibastay, good for him his new ¿girlfriend?!! 🙄
  6. Blowjob teacher.... that's like the best job ever... I mean WTF! If this is a script i praise you because it was creative and really well played, and if it's real...I think I live on another planet. For me, you won tonight.
  7. With sunflower oil like I like my chips 😋😂
  8. My first technical impressions: Kitchen Cam1: Perfect 😋 LR Cam2: Out of focus! 😞 LR Cam3: OK, could have a bit more zoom 🙂 LR Cam4: OK...but all 3 LR cams are on the same half, this will be a problem (Cam4 should be front facing sofa). ☺️ Loggia Cam5: ok, but light will be a huge problem. Kitchen lights should be at 100% or completely off, otherwise quality will be shit.🤨 Hall Cam6: OK, no complains here. ☺️ Hall Cam7: ok I guess, this will be the least watched cam but will be useful to see if somebody left (shoes), so 15cm down will be better 😐 BR Cam8: OK, not a fan of bird view, but camera covers a lot of space 🙂 BR Cam9: OK, great close up. But it's mandatory to put another camera oposite to this one, because the same problem as LR happens here. ☺️ Bathroom Cam10: Perfect, for bathtubs it's better to put camera high like this one, so we can see inside 🤩 Good luck K&A !, they are on my fav list.
  9. Sean bringing the mask out is a smart movement to get the shyness away, but the guest would need a looot of alcohol to do something. I learnt to bet only on alcohol-fueled parties. ES: Sean es muy listo sacando la máscara para quitarle la timidez a la chica, pero esta chica necesitaria un motón de alcohol para hacer algo. Solo me la juego en fiestas donde fluya el alcohol.
  10. Clarice friend, no nude (yet), no name yet.
  11. Same thing @life+90 said before applies for yesterday, and will be valid next week when this guy comes back. It's like Groundhog Day but with deception.
  12. Agreed. I still don't know why some apts put that giant camera (A&K cam 8 ) when that model has shitty quality, specially with night vision, it's huge and can't be sticked to the wall like the smaller Hikvision's.
  13. L&B doing his part in tonight's play, then they will be the first to leave and maybe we'll see something real. #not_buying_it
  14. Absolutely! It's rare to see a hard swap so unbalanced...maybe at rd2 ?
  15. They filled the jacuzzi and set up Jenga and Monopoly...who will be the guest/s ? edit: and they cleaned the apt like they are going to sell it, I'm really intrigued...some new couple? the girl from the other day with his BF? my money is in this apt tonight.
  16. You know this girl is not a "pro" because "pro's" don't shave right before sex. Shaving before sex increases the risks of getting a STD.
  17. Guest guy came on her hair 😮 that will definitely cheer her up /sarcasm
  18. I think she's afraid of guest guy's big cock, size difference with Killian is noticeable
  19. Sorry guys, Sptember photo of the month is over, I won 😁
  20. If that girl didn't run from this apt after yesterday's coercion....she accepts the guys attitude, so I guess white knights your work is done here 😁
  21. Yep, I think none of them are couples. Killian and guest girl are friends, and guest girl has become aware of something she doesn't like at all, this could end epic or drama....I think the later, but guest girl is unpredictable.
  22. Guest girl threw up on the bathroom and then continued drinking...this could be interesting...
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